WHat BReed Of HOrse ARe YOu

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Horses are the most wonderful animals in the world! What is so good about them? EVERYTHING!! Their beauty, power, grace, agility, kindness!! Yep everything!!

So what kind of horse breed are you ?? A mustang, a Thourghred or an arabian?? In just a few minutes you can find you if you do this wonderful quiz!!

Created by: spring59
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How would you describe yourself?
  2. Would you rather do...
  3. You see a horse abandoned in a field. Would you...
  4. You see a horse abandoned in a field. Would you...
  5. What is your favourite breed of horse?
  6. Do you like cantering?
  7. Do you own any horses??
  8. Do you like poopcorn?
  9. Do you like poopcorn?
  10. Do you like my quiz?

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Quiz topic: WHat BReed Of HOrse am I