What breed of Horse are you?

Horses rock! and we all know that but ehat breed truly fits you? click here and take the quiz to find out your inter horse, you will love it!!!!! CLICK!

Take this test now! you know your a human but what if you were a horse? to find out what your breed would be go ahaead and click here right now!! you wont regret!

Created by: Mickayla
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. whats your favorite horse
  2. Out of 1-10 you would rate a Purebreed spanish Horse
  3. Wout of 0-10 you would rate a Arabian
  4. You would rate a lustino what number form 0-10?
  5. do you like horses?
  6. do you like the website Howrse?
  7. do you like male or female horses better?
  8. Do you think Purebreed spanish horses rock?
  9. do you think arabians rock?
  10. do you think Lustinos rock?

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Quiz topic: What breed of Horse am I?