What boyfriend would you want

What kind of person are you need to find a perfect man you've come to the right quiz either your dream man is a obsessed kisser or a gooey nerd or your perfect man

Having trouble with love you have to find out what kind of boyfriend you have he could be anything what kind of secrets could he be hiding you never know.

Created by: Hermione
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your going to prom your dates tie is different to your dress he
  2. What is your favourite colour
  3. Your had plastic surgery your boyfriend sees you and says
  4. Your late for a party and you see your boyfriend dancing with another girl
  5. Your boyfriend has a identical twin and you see his twin kiss a girl and think that is your man you
  6. Is your boyfriend a
  7. If your boyfriend cheats on you You
  8. You haven't seen your man for a while so you
  9. Your boyfriends sister is bullying you so you
  10. You are on a date but the waitress shows interest in him you

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