What book should you read next?

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Hi! This quiz will tell you which of these awesome, amazing, great, cool, super, fabulous, dazzling books you should read next! I hope you're satisfied with your answer.

The book Divergent I definitely wouldn't recommend for kids ages thirteen and down. Wildwood is better for that. The authors of these books are:Harry Potter-JK Rowling, The Hunger Games-Suzanne Collins, Divergent-Veronica Roth, Out of my Mind-Sharon Draper, The Maze Runner- James Dashner, A Mango-Shaped Space-Wendy Mass, Number the Stars-Lois Lowery, The Honey Bus-Meredith May, Wildwood-Colin Meloy, Ranger's Apprentice-John Flanagan

Created by: nerdnarwhal
  1. what's your favorite genre?
  2. How old are you?
  3. Which character is your favorite?
  4. Which are you:
  5. Do you like magic?
  6. Do you like romance?
  7. Do you like to read books with gals as main characters or guys?
  8. Do you like books that will make you cry?
  9. Which book have you read?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What book should I read next?
