What Beatle are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Beatle are you?

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  • Your Result: John Lennon

    You, are John Lennon, an you're the Beatles Rhythm guitarist. You were basically the founder of the Beatles. Although your solo carreer wasn't as successful as Paul McCartney's, it was really successful. And, you and Paul McCartney were the greatest songwriting partnership ever.

    Geaorge Harrison
    Paul McCartney
    Ringo Starr
    Hahaha I like my result.

  • Your Result: Paul McCartney

    You are Paul McCartney, the Beatles' bassist. You get the most girls, because you are the cutest. You really love animals and you are a animal right activst. You also had probably the most successful solo career, and you (With John Lennon) are in the greatest writing partenership.

    Geaorge Harrison
    John Lennon
    Ringo Starr
    I<3 the beatles and Paul is my fav!

    Puppy xo1

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