what avenger are you?

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captain america is a army real name steve rogers good and help ful yea i guess you are good solider good luck army and be the power ful army on the world cap and remember the avengers team up and fight

iron man is a billonarie good real name tony stark playboy genius and selfish but you must save the day go iron man go! and rebember the avengers just team up and fight good luck out there iron man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: nawaaf rashid jawaad
  1. what is your favorite thing to do?
  2. which avenger is the first avenger?
  3. who added spider man as an avenger?
  4. what is your favorite color?
  5. Which year did avengers age of ultron released?
  6. which avenger do you like?
  7. is avengers infinity war the best?
  8. which infinity stone does doctor strange have?
  9. is thanos best?
  10. is marvel best

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Quiz topic: What avenger am I?
