What Are Your Favorite Lesson In Harry Potter?

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There are many Harry Potter lesson. But i just have six. So i choose you for play this quiz.So what are you waiting for? Open this quiz right now!!!!!!!

Are you like Potion lesson? Are you like Tranfiguration lesson? Are you like maintenance magical animals lesson with Hagrid? Are you like every lesson? Really? play this quiz and i will know.

Created by: ToPotter

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is your favorite teacher?
  2. Where is your favorite House?
  3. What number your favorite harry potter book/film?
  4. What number your favorite harry potter book/film?
  5. Who is your favorite character?
  6. Now, be honestly.What is the first letter in your name?
  7. Who is your favorite Death Eaters?
  8. What is your favorite book?
  9. What chapter you like in Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows?
  10. What wand you want?
  11. what is your favorite letter?

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Quiz topic: What am Ir Favorite Lesson In Harry Potter?