what are you to your school

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many people wonder what thier school thinks of them. some allready know but want to make sure. either way this quiz is just a quiz to answer those quiestions!

Are you a baby, goth, loner, or somthing else? take this quiz to find out! until now you could only bang your head on the pillow fustrated. but now you can finally see what your school thinks of you!

Created by: underdog9 of disney
(your link here more info)
  1. whare your friends like?
  2. your hobbies are...
  3. youe going to a dance you...
  4. your favorite coler is...
  5. every morning you put on....
  6. where wuold you rather be?
  7. your boyfriend is with another girl and is cheating on you, you....
  8. you see a girl/boy crying you
  9. he you tried 1. "what is your talent" and 2. "are you a carololine"?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What am I to my school