What are you actually?

There are many faiths in the world, but take this quiz, and you'll find out what group you really fall into. Are you actually a scientologist? Is Tom Cruise your friend?

Jesus has nothing to do with taking this quiz. Do you love Darwin? Or do you think he's an ape. Take this quiz and find out, or else, Xenu might get you.

Created by: jose
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who created the world?
  2. What is your opinion of Charles Darwin?
  3. What do you think about Jewish people?
  4. Does faith matter when selecting a president?
  5. Do you like the Church of Mormonism?
  6. Who is Jesus?
  7. What is your opinion of Xenu
  8. Do you reincarnate?
  9. Have you seen god?
  10. Who is Lucifer?

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Quiz topic: What am I actually?