what animal would u be?

There r so many animals in the world i bet u wish u could be one even just for a day or 2 well u cant until now here is the animal quiz were u can take it and at the end u can find out what animal u could be.

Could u beat the quiz of animals and can u be an animal for a day or 2 so carry on just act normal dont run off and leave your computer/laptop turn off just carry on.

Created by: Holly
  1. what would u rather do?
  2. what animal would u like 2 be?
  3. what is your fav animal?
  4. what kind of person r u?
  5. what food do u like?
  6. do u make friends easely?
  7. r u popular?
  8. what movies do u like?
  9. what do u act like?
  10. what would u NOT rather do?
  11. what animal do u hate?
  12. what r u?
  13. what animal could u not live without?
  14. what animal could u live without?
  15. what monster would u have as a pet?
  16. what bird would u have as a pet?
  17. what dinosaure would u have as a pet?

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