What Animal Are You?

Want to come discover what animal you truly are? *I am in love, with what we are. Not what we should be. and I am I am starstruck with every part of this whole story. So if its just tonight the animal inside let it live and die!* says Kesha

So I hope you like the quiz!

Created by: Krista
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which are you?
  2. Which are you?
  3. What do you want me to choose?
  4. Which do you like more?
  5. Do you like exercise?
  6. Which is your favorite?
  7. Do you like this quiz?
  8. I ran out of questions.
  9. Justin Beiber.
  10. Thanks for taking this quiz!

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Quiz topic: What Animal am I?