what animal are you?

There are many types and kinds of personalities out there. This is true with both humans and animals. By taking this test you will be matched with one out of 12 animals.

You do have a personality, but do you ever wonder what animal matches your own. There are high conections between our traits and the traits of animals

Created by: Bela Halmi
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How would you describe yourself
  2. How active are you
  3. are you a night owl or an early bird
  4. veggies or meat
  5. what temperature do you perfer
  6. body structure
  7. fight or flight
  8. how do you find your looks
  9. you would put yourself at risk for
  10. do you like to spend you time with

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Quiz topic: What animal am I?