What animal are you?

Need an animal for your fursona? Want to see what your spirit animal is? Do you want to see what pet you should get? Well, then this quiz is for you! :3

Are you a wolf, cat, rabbit, dog, otter or dragon? This quiz will tell you! Find your inner animal here!(This is my first quiz, so I'm sorry if it's not the best. Also, I'm norwegian, and while I believe my english is pretty good, there may be a few grammatical errors here and there.)

Created by: Lea
  1. What is your favorite color out of these?
  2. What is your favorite element?
  3. Which of these personality traits suits you best?
  4. Are you an introvert, an extrovert or an ambivert?
  5. A friend tells a joke. What do you do?
  6. You meet someone with the same interests as you. What do you do?
  7. What do you do on a day off?
  8. What animal do you want as a pet?
  9. What is your favorite mythical animal out of these?
  10. What animal do you hope you'll get?

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Quiz topic: What animal am I?
