what animal are you?

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Ever wonder what will happen if you take a random quiz?

Well now you can find out if you finish this quiz.

Created by: Moon Wolf
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How would you describe yourself?
  2. What would your favourite food be if you were a animal?
  3. After you come home from your last day of school would you...
  4. 1-6 how would you describe your singing skills?
  5. If you're a animal where would you like to live?
  6. If you're a girl,how much make-up do you put on?
  7. If you're a boy,how much time do spend playing sports.(girls can answer this if you want)
  8. Your hobby is what?
  9. Are you in any after school activities? If so,what are they?
  10. Last one. I have nothing else so... just choose how are you right now.

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Quiz topic: What animal am I?