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There are many warrior cat lovers if you are one take this quiz pronto its just for you to enjoy if not you might be surprised on who you get good luck

are you brave, smart, wise, strong, and trustworthy find out in this short quiz of mine do you have what it takes to be a warrior cat find out in my quiz

Created by: allie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you are on a diving board 20 feet above the ground would you jump
  2. are you good with medicenes
  3. how lazy are you
  4. if you saw a fight at school what would you do
  5. what do you do when you are board
  6. are you helpful (tell the truth)
  7. how strong are you
  8. are you really fast to your friends
  9. do you like your siblings
  10. where do you live

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