Warrior Cats Quizz

You shall have to wait until the next one but... :> ShayFur: "Thanks..." -shifts uncomfortably, not knowing to say- Fighting Cat: "Don't touch me!" -hisses-

But are you seriously a good fighter? I mean, you could only either keel the cat or just let it survive with a single tiny scratch... just saying... BUT YOU DID GREAT :D

Created by: ShayFur
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. ShayFur walks up to you, she smiles, she trips over her paw by accident... You do what?
  2. She frowned, "A- alright," She peered over your shoulder, she saw a cat slinking around, she looked back at you.
  3. ShayFur shook herself and blinked, she ignored your comment, "want to go- hunting?" she meowed quietly
  4. She smiled, "Lets go, how about now?" she meowed briskly
  5. (If this doesn't match what you said then select the last one) "Wait!" she meowed, still slightly excited,
  6. (If none of this fit your response then select the last one) ShayFur purred, she got up to pad over to you and tripped, again, she landed on her chin, her tail curled like a scorpion (If nothing matches your response click the one on the bottom)
  7. She pushed herself up, she heard a battle cry, she looked around confused, "We better go help them!" she meowed jumping to her paws
  8. "Come on! Let's go!" She yowls over the noise of cats screeching and other noises.
  9. "Come on! Let's go!" She yowls over the noise of cats screeching and other noises.
  10. ShayFur raced into battle, she saw a ginger tom, she hurtled herself onto him, she started clawing at his muzzle, he kicked her off with his back legs, she hissed, he pinned her down

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