Warrior Cats LoveStory(She-cats only)part 2

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This is part 2 of warrior cats lovestory(she cats only) If you havent done part 1 plese go do part 1. I hope you enjoy this quiz it took me 3 weeks to come up with these ideas

Plese comment to let me know if I can do something better or or if it was perfect or just anything, just chat me something if you have anything to say

Created by: StreamNight
  1. On the last quiz You met the toms and you were in love with all of them and then LeafClan attacks and Bluepaw dies right. Im just making sure ok and this quiz is for she cats only so if your a tom take my other quizzes im making one for toms soon.(the questions = no effect)
  2. You see HoneyStar on the ground.She is loosing her last life. Who will be tthe leader. The deputy has died as well. Now the Med cat must speak to starclan about it. In the mean time you go to bury Honeystar. When all of a sudden Honey Star whispers something in your ear.
  3. She whispers"I want you to be the next leader and until LeafySooth(med cat)Announces that your warrior name shall be DawnSky, and you shall receave a prophecy----". Before she can say anything else she looks at you and takes her last breath and disapears off to starclan in the shape of a star and moon"NOOOOOOO HONEYSTAR DONT LEAVE ME" you cry.
  4. When you get back to camp SilverPaw and Lionpaw come rushing to you"What happened are you ok..."they both ask"Im alright, HoneyStar told me my warrior name its DawnNight." you reply. The Leafy Sooth comes towards you tells you its time for sleep. Who do you sleep with?
  5. In the morning you see Leafy Sooth on the high rock. You walk to the high rock."Cats of Snow Clan, Last Night I recieved message from star clan. The new Leader shall be DawnNight. Her Leader name shall be DawnStar, But this will only be temporary because Dawn Star will be the leader of a new clan the 5 Clan called NightSky Clan." Then she jumps off the high rock and tells you to go on the high rock and anounce the new deputy.You choose who to be your deputy?
  6. Then that night, Lion Paw comes in and says"can I sleep in your den tonight Im very uncomftorable without you sleeping with me"he mews shyly. *I never heard Lion Paw be shy before*What do you say, Do you accept it or Say no and invite Silver Paw.Or should I say Silver Pelt(you gave him his warrior name when you announced your deputy same with Lion paw(Lion Flame)
  7. Whatever you say you end up inviting lion flames. Then lion flames fur starts brushing up against your fur. You both purr, then all of a sudden( this is in your dream, this part is btw)Honey Star comes in your dream and mews"DawnStar its is time for you to go to fourtrees to receive your nine lives from starclan to be the leader of NightSky Clan. Bring Silver Pelt and Lion Flames, there you will pick your mate"What do you do?
  8. You and the toms start walking towards fourtrees. Then you reach your destination. You close your eyes and sleep waiting for starclan to come in your sleep. Then you see Honey Star,"DawnStar I am giving you leadership for NightSky Clan"mews honey star, then she dissapears and you see blue paw"I am giving you love for your clan and your mate" he nuzzles you and leaves then.......*after they give you nine lives(sorry I got lazy)*
  9. After you get your nine lives you and the toms start for home but then the toms stop"Whats wrong"you ask"Dawn Star me and Lion Flames have had a crush on you for a long time-"mews Silver Pelt"So what we are trying to say is...who do you want for a mate"mews Lion flames. Who is your mate
  10. (345 means your mate) You and 345 go to your new clan(with cats from all clans coming to be in Night Sky Clan)and you and your new mate share a den the biggest den is for the queens and the kits, a broken log with enough space for the apprentices, and the warriors sleep under a tree giving them enough shade and room to sleep, and the elders have a rock that gave them enough space to sleep.
  11. Before you know it you give birth to 3 kits.Whoever your mate is you always have a kit named NightKit(NightGazer),and 2 toms and 1 she cat............Ok........
  12. Do part 3.........This part is done byeeee

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