warrior cat status

It is to show you where you fit in the clan life the best. it might not be exact, but hopefully it is pretty close.I took the best questions to figure out where you belonged

"Are you a warrior cat? do you have the intelligance to be a medicine cat? or the Strength to be a Warrior? Maybe you are a leader. until now you could only wonder. but now you can have your answer.

Created by: ashlee
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you Male or Female
  2. are you loyal?
  3. are you strong
  4. are you fast
  5. do you like water?
  6. do you like the forest
  7. do you like the open land?
  8. Do you like outsiders?
  9. Do you help others?
  10. Do you like protecting others?

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