Varskian Citizenship Test

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Want to see if you could become a Varskian Citizen? Well this test is for you! Go ahead and see how well you'd do on the real thing. (Filler) You have failed, good luck next time. Maybe learn more about the country you're trying to move to. Obamna!

(Filler) You have failed, good luck next time. Maybe learn more about the country you're trying to move to. Obamna! Soda! Osama! Joe! Joe! Ukraine Balls!

Created by: Varskian Government
  1. How Many Provinces are in the Union?
  2. Who Wrote the Melody to the Varskian National Anthem?
  3. If the President is the head of state, what is the Chancellor?
  4. Who was the Second Chancellor of Varsk?
  5. What is the Capital of Vothar?
  6. Which of these languages are an official national language?
  7. What is the oldest party in Varsk?
  8. Which regional organisation is Varsk a member of?
  9. Chancellor C.L. Van Antilles previously held a government position before becoming chancellor, which one?
  10. What does "C.Z" in Carolina C.Z. Stand for
  11. What is the Capital of Varsk?
  12. What does the Blue on the Varskian Flag stand for?
  13. What was the dynasty of the Varskian Royal Family from 1848 to 2022?
  14. When did Varsk Declare independence from Britain?
  15. What is the Capital of Snowdonia?

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