Vampire or Werewolf

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Vampires are legendary, pale skinned, bloodsucking monsters who are unable to go out in the sun without sparkling or becoming dust. Whichever you believe are you one of them?

Werewolves are the arch enemies of vampires. They are short tempered and are usually men. That doesn't mean to say that is the same nowadays. Werewolves usually change in a full moon.

Created by: holly
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. 4 cups are placed in front of you. No. 1 is full of normal water. No. 2 is full of a thick, red mix that gives a sweet scent. No. 3 is full of a brown mix but you don't care you will drink it anyway. No.4 is full of a strange black mix that looks like juice but you're not sure. Which one do you drink?
  2. A small, young girl has fallen over onto sharp glass. She is hurt and bleeding and crying really loudly. What do you do?
  3. Have you got anger problems?
  4. Have you ever tasted blood?
  5. How often do you go out in the sun?
  6. Out of the below, which is your favourite animal?
  7. Favourite time of the day?
  8. (this is a twilight based question so if you have no idea select the answer don't know) from twilight: eclipse , who is your fave male character.
  9. What colour are your eyes?
  10. Do you believe in fairytales?

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