:/ I have some bad news for my fellow friends. Ya see- you just need to read it I don't wanna say it again.... I feel really bad though...... My heart broke (No i didn't go through a break up)

Ok well I'm not feeling very random like I usually do so yeah Hmm... what to write about so.... How have you been? Don't look at me that way! I'm just trying to take up space

Created by: musicdino

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. :(
  2. Well for those of you who wanted 10 secrets. I'm sorry but I don't think I could write it.... Someone else beat me to it. I admit it wasn't bad at all, but still I wish I could've written it...
  3. When I saw it on the new quizzes life my jaw literally dropped and I wanted to cry. Like I said though the quiz wasn't bad at all so even though I can't write it I want you guys to take the quiz anyways
  4. I don't wanna write it because the point of a quiz is to have your own uhh... ya know thing to it and if I write it. It might interfere with that person's story so I don't know what to do now...
  5. Ok :/ well there was the urgent message so yeah even though I can't write it still take her quiz I'm sure it'll be good
  6. You can skip the rest
  7. lalalalala
  8. blah blah blah
  9. Oh and one more thing if gotoquiz doesn't have this on the new quizzes thing I am going to EXPLODE
  10. Ok well see ya guys later. I'm sorry for everything :'( I'll have to make up a new story I guess. I hope I didn't make any of you feel bad or cry

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