Unforgotten Secrets

Hola~ So it's Dannica here, and welcome to part one of the newly mashed up series called Unforgotten Secrets c: First off, thank you angelic4 for coming p with this idea and pairing me with the wonderful Cometlight. :D

Second, thank you for choosing to reading this! But fair warning, if you haven't read Beautiful Secrets or The Unforgiven and Unforgotten, you will be hopelessly confused; unless you have a fast mind and will be able to kind of shape the story up; but I recommend you read it xx

Created by: CometDannica
  1. It's been months since I was last in the Core. Months since Zathara has left my head, and months since I defeated Oath. You would think that I had enough of this drama for one year. But believe me when I say that I wasn't asking Santa for all of this to happen to me. You see, it started out with a boy. Okay, it started out with a couple of boys. But don't all action-packed dramatic love stories do? Same story short: It started out with a boy, and it ended with a happily ever after. If you wanted to know what happened in between, then I guess you'll be sticking around for a while, because it's damn well not going to fit in a couple of paragraphs, because what happened in between is something you can't just summarize. It's something you have to live in; something you have to imagine and visualize for it to take full affect on you. Something filled with love and hatred and humor and talking animals that you want to kick sometimes and fantasy that didn't seem like it could be a reality until it actually happened and just, finding things about yourself that you didn't think was possible. The in between was just full of that. And believe me when I say that I could ramble on and on about what happened after the boy, and what happened before the happily ever after, but I'm afraid that this limited English vernacular"”like I said before"”cannot simply summarize a story such as one like this. So if you're willing to stick around for this one (and I'm really suggesting that you do), I suppose we should start from the very beginning.
  2. "Happy Birthday, honey!" My mom's voice along with my dad's footsteps. I had woken up early that morning. Like, six in the morning early, and I was spending the time reading and on the verge of tears from the book. So when my parents walked in screaming happy birthday to me, you best believe I almost fell out of my bed. I ran a hand down my face and closed the book, sitting up against the headboard with a groan from seeing my parents holding a neatly wrapped present. "I thought we were going to keep things on the down low for a while." Mom sat on the edge of my bed while Dad shoved the present into my hands. "We meant about the whole UPA thing, not your social life," he said with a smile. He reached into his back pocket and handed me an envelope. "Is this money?" I asked, getting prepared to give it back to them. Dad chuckled. "Oh God, no. You can open that later. Go see what our present is first." Mom took my hand and gave it a squeeze. I sighed and tore open the wrapping paper, revealing what looked like a shoe box for a size twenty-five. I took the lid off and almost squealed. A new bow.
  3. I looked from either one of my parents. "Why did you...?" Ever since I told my parents the full story about my time in the Core while they were abducted, they've gotten extremely protective when it came to the supernatural stuff that happened in the family. Stuff like weapons, for example. One night I snuck into our weapons room that my parents thought I didn't know about and practiced shooting some arrows at a couple targets. I couldn't even get my fourth arrow on the drawstring before Dad caught me and gave me a serious lecture about how dangerous handling weapons could be. Thanks, Dad. I had no idea. Thanks for the heads-up. And ever since then the closest lethal thing I've held in my hands were a pair of scissors. The kiddie kind. That you gave to elementary students. So of course I was surprised that they actually gave me a bow. "We were thinking that since you didn't have your...powers anymore, you should at least be given something to help you feel more in the family," Mom said, removing the bow from the box and giving it to me. I ran my fingertips along it, my heart thudding in my chest. It was made of a deep mahogany, and I think the string was...Gryphon feather? Yeah. I held it close, gripping it so hard I thought I might snap it in half. "Thank you," I said quietly. "Thanks. I love you guys." Then I heard a door open and looked up to find Auntie Lisa there, holding a quiver of arrows with a nice ribbon wrapped across. "Happy Birthday, sweet cheeks!" She reached down to peck me on the head and gave me the quiver while whispering in my ear, "I'm kinda the one who urged them to buy it. You can thank me later."
  4. I grinned and nodded, looking over my gifts and the envelope sitting on my pillow. "Thank you," I said more confidently. The three of them smiled back at me and nodded. "We'll be having a breakfast celebration, since you wont be available for later this evening," Dad said. I put my things down. "What do you mean?" I didn't get an answer since they all left, closing the door behind them. Thanks. I pursed my lips and reached for the envelope. Tearing it open, I saw a nice little card inside with a birthday cake on it. I opened it up, and in blue cursive writing it said a single address"”something I didn't recognize. Puzzled, I looked on the next page and saw a little note in the same writing in the middle of the page. "See you there, birthday girl," I read to myself. I put the card back into the envelope and placed it on my bedside table. I reached for my phone from under the pillow and found that I had a voice mail. I punched in all the necessary numbers and heard his voice come on the line. "Happy Birthday!" There was a yawn. "Sorry if I woke you up. I know it's the middle of the night, but I just wanted to be the first one to tell you happy birthday." Christofer's voice was soft, like he just woke up from a long nap. "I'll see you later on. Bye." I saved the message and tossed my phone aside. No messages from Alex. Fantastic boyfriend. Although I'm pretty sure he was still sleeping. Ever since the Spring Ball I think it was safe to say that everything wasn't how it was before. Alex and I were officially together, and Christofer and I...weren't. I mean, he and I still talked and stuff, but it felt like there was this invisible barrier in between us that could never be broken ever again. He's been rooming with Ash now, him and Gumbo, and from time to time I drop by his place, but mostly it was him visiting me, which I thought was cute. And whenever Alex was around he'd try getting on his nerves by flirting with me. Which on the inside I liked, but I tried not thinking about it so much since Alex did have the ability to read my thoughts.
  5. I hopped out of bed and slugged myself to the bathroom to clean up for breakfast. When I got downstairs my nostrils were greeted with the smell of eggs and waffles and raspberry tarts and toast and all the good stuff that you would expect come from IHOP. My parents and Auntie Lisa were already seated with their plates in front of them full. I took a seat along with them and filled my glass with some orange juice. "This is great, guys. I really appreciate it." Auntie Lisa stuffed a forkful of hash brown into her mouth. "No problem, sweets. So are you and Alex going on a date tonight?" I piled some waffles onto my plate and shrugged. "Have you guys done it yet?" I stared at her, my mouth agape. "Lisa," my mom said sternly, giving her a cross look. "I"”No!" Dad looked down, apparently not wanting to add his two cents to the discussion. "She's too young for that stuff," Mom scolded. I nodded in agreement, unable to make eye contact. "Sorry. Gosh, it's just that when I was her age"”" "So what time do I go to the...party?" I interrupted, wanting to get as far away from that subject as soon as possible. "Ash told us six," Dad replied, obviously relieved. "Ash?" Mom took a sip of her juice. "He got a new place. Isn't that lovely? Christofer's coming to pick you up, I think. But I think he'll get here earlier so you two could hang out." I took a bite out of my toast. "What about Alex?" "What about Alex?" "Did you hear from him?" There was an awkward silence. "Sorry, but no. Just Christofer. But his parents called earlier to greet you a happy birthday." I slumped down in my chair. He's still sleeping, I told myself. I turned and looked at the clock. 11:15. I felt like my bubble was about to burst. Did he forget it was my birthday? No...He couldn't have. Dammit, boyfriends aren't supposed to forget their girlfriend's birthday! "Calm down, it's not like I got her condoms as her present," Auntie Lisa muttered to Mom. I rolled my eyes and continued to eat.
  6. After breakfast I decided to get fixed up early, since Mom mentioned that Christofer was coming. Then after I took my shower I picked myself out a cute, casual yellow sundress to wear and matched it with some gladiator sandals. I went downstairs to show off my outfit, and when I reached the bottom step the doorbell rang. I ran to the door and opened it, excited to see Christofer. He welcomed me with open arms. I ran into them as he whispered a happy birthday into my ear and placed his lips on the top of my forehead. Although things were kind of awkward between us, I guess you could say he downgraded to best friend status. Or if you want to be rash, then he's been harshly friend-zoned. Once we were inside and the whole family relished over him and we were alone in my room, he took out a small velvet case and gave it to me. "You didn't need to get me a present," I muttered, taking it in my hands. He rolled his eyes. "Why do girls say that? It's obvious they want a present." I grinned and opened it up. Inside was a ring. I lifted it out and inspected it. It was a nice silver color, and inscribed on it in black cursive it said, Sing me to sleep. I put it on sheepishly. "Have you ever even sang me to sleep before?" He shrugged. "I've tried. It didn't sound that good, but you fell asleep anyways." I laughed and reached over to give him a hug. "Thanks, Christofer." I paused. "Have you...Have you heard from Alex?" I saw his eyes change into an indefinite mood that I couldn't put my finger on. "No. Why?" I kept the case safely under my pillow. "It's nothing." Christofer gave me a look. "He didn't say happy birthday to you yet, has he?" I didn't answer and tried looking occupied with my new ring that I honestly adored. "He didn't, huh? Come on, just because we're not a thing anymore doesn't mean I know you more or less." I kept my eyes downcast. "It's nothing." Christofer rubbed his neck with his hand. "Fine. But don't be alarmed when you find out that I kicked his ass." I cracked a smile and fell forward into him, where he gave me another hug. And that's when I started wondering. What would happen if I picked Christofer? Would that be Alex hugging me right now? Would things be different for the better or for the worst? Would I still have Alex be a part of my life?
  7. I stopped myself. What was I doing? Alex was mine now. I chose him, and he was mine and I was his and I bet he was just planning me a surprise date or something like that. Yeah, that was it. A surprise. Christofer jumped off the bed. "Let's go." I followed suit and ended up beside him. "Go where?" He smiled. "To your other birthday gift."
  8. Weak. Weak and tired. That's how he felt. But not so weak and tired that he was going to give up. They thought they rid him of the world. They thought they could destroy him? Wrong. It would take a lot more than that. All he needed was a host. That's all. Just like the other two. The two that betrayed him, not much to his surprise. He was careless last time. Too over-confident, too blind to see the flaws and consequences before his actions before he did so. But what did humans call it? Learn from your mistakes. Ah yes, that's what he did. He educated himself from his errors. That was a more proper way to put it. Human phrases disgusted him. Dumb and filled with idiocrasy. The Hellhound"”her name was Nex, so he found out"”was prowling along the fields, looking for prey, abandoning her pack. He had been watching her for the past week. She was strong, fast, keen in all senses"”but of course she was a Hellhound. But she was different, because she was above the standards of average. She was simply better. So that's what made her a target. She would do for now. Until he found a human of equal proportions.
  9. He was done waiting. Now was the time to make his move. He had been whispering his thoughts through her mind, speaking to her, telling her where the best animals to feed on were, so she could become loyal and think of him as an acquaintance of some sorts. And now was the time. With all his last efforts and with every ounce of strength he had left, the Reform pushed himself through the air, and forced himself into Nex's mind, planting himself firmly in the center of her control system. He felt the dog freeze in its tracks, her ears shooting up to listen. She made a soft whimper, and then continued on staking out the ground. He laughed to himself.
  10. Oath was back.

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