Ultimate Random Trivia

This is the quiz based on random bits of knowledge. If you do not know the answers, don't sweat it, find a nerd to help you. You should do well then.

Be warned, this is an Epic Level quiz. The topics covered include Twilight, Harry Potter, Dark-Hunters, Science, Dungeons and Dragons, and a little music.

Created by: kwilson0411
  1. In reference to the Dark-Hunter novels by Sherrilyn Kenyon: _____ finally gets mated with ______ in "Bad Moon Rising"
  2. In reference to the Harry Potter series of books: The last spell cast in the series is,
  3. In reference to Dungeons and Dragons, a level 13 human fighter will have how many feats?
  4. DnD: The spellcraft DC for the Epic Level spell, Vengeful Gaze of God, is
  5. In reference to Twilight: Who does not belong in the following list?
  6. Twilight: Which one does not belong in the list?
  7. Twilight: Ok, the last twilight question. Also, pick out the one who does not belong.
  8. Magic the Gathering: The most valuable card is, and worth? (Not all cards are real, and not all values correct.)
  9. (Science): The portion of an animal cell that provides nutrients for the nucleus is called,
  10. (Science): The portion of an animal cell that provides nutrients for the nucleus is called,
  11. Please rate this quiz. Anyway, for your last question, The lead singer of Paramore is:

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