Twisted Maximum Ride

Ok, so you know Maxmimum Ride. Everyone klnows James Patterson's version. But do you know mine? Do you know the twisted version? I believe not..... until now.

Who will u fall for? Fang? Iggy? Ari? Or are you commited to your task.... kill them now.... or spare their lives... You decide. You find out. Now.

Created by: Alana
  1. So ur name is Max. Maximum Ride. You have been sent out to capture/ kill a group of avian human kids. You and your army of erasers are tracking them, following them a mile behind. They dont know ur there.
  2. You and your group are moving too fast. In a matter of seconds you are ten feet behind the flock. You quickly stick your arm out to the right, signaling your army to stop. But its too late. Fang turns around, and sees you. He grins, the most charming grin youve ever seen. You look behind you. Your group has deserted you.
  3. Instead of running, you aproach him. it's like this radiant force is willingly pushing you towards him. he speaks. "Hi"
  4. "Hi," your voice is a faint whisper. Just then two other boys turn around to face you. "Fang whats going on?" the red haired one says.
  5. "Hey you look tired. Why dont you hang with us?" says the tall, black haired one. (Fang, you think to yourself)
  6. You decide to go anyway. "sure" you say, smiling. You walk down the street with them.
  7. You enter an abandoned apartment with them. there sitting on the floor you see 2 girls (Angel & Nudge) and a boy (Gazzy). Fang reaches for your hand....
  8. They invite you to sit down. You notice the little boy (Gazzy) is leading Iggy over. For once you realize that Iggy is blind. Fang sits next 2 u and Ari sits on the other side. You are still kind of freaked bout the whole Iggy blind deal.
  9. Fang takes ur hand. You stare at it, his pale skin against urs. You look into his eyes....
  10. A sudden flash of white. Fang drops ur hand. When you actually look up from your hand that still has the faint feel of his touch, you realize he's gone. Everyone's gone....
  11. and that is where i leave u. part 2 coming soon!
  12. Wait. One more question. Who r u fallin for?

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