Twisted Hearts part 2

Here is part number two of my quiz series Twisted Hearts. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it. Also all of the feedback I recieved was my motivation for this quiz. So, thank you to everyone who commented on my first quiz.

Recap: Rhiannon met three different guys and made an enemy all in one day. One guy just gave her strange information about one of the guys. Information she didn't understand. Then he left her standing their watching the guys leave her alone and confused.

Created by: VioletTears
  1. My head was swirling with questions as I walked down the street. This was one of the strangest days I have ever had. Within one day I had met a mysterious guy, become good friends with another, and learned weird information from a third. On top of all that I am pretty sure I have made an enemy too. So, yeah, this was definitely a strange day. As I walked down the street, I tried to sort everything in my mind. Though I was quickly distracted as I saw, out of the corner of my eye, someone staring at me. Quickly my mind flashed back to when I was in gym. So, I decided to turn my head in the direction to see who it was. This time I actually saw the person. This person was a man, and he had long dark brown hair. His eyes seemed to be black, but from such a long distance away, I wasn't sure. The clothes he wore were rather strange, too. He seemed to be wearing a black shirt and grey jeans. Then covering his arms was a long trench coat. On his feet were a pair of combat boots. Now, I knew it was a little cold outside, but this guy looked like he was in the snow. The thing that made me the most confused was the fact he was standing in an abandoned and closed down park, but no one seemed to notice him.
  2. I kept staring at the man, unsure of what to do now. The man did not move from his spot, therefore I didn't think I needed to leave. Then again, I didn't want to leave. Since I knew he would just keep stalking me. The next thing I knew I was lost in my thoughts, and when I looked back the man was now holding something in his hand. It took a moment for me to realize what it was. Though when I did my eyes grew wider. A gun, the man was holding a gun in his right hand. There was a smirk spreading across his face slowly. I wanted to move and run, but I couldn't. It was as if a strong force was holding me in place. The more I struggled, the stronger it became. What the heck is going on?
  3. I kept trying to move, there was no way I was going to give up. If I stayed for too long, I would surely be killed. This thought made my eyes go back to the man. Now his arm was up, and the gun was pointed at me. How come no one in the park was seeing this? Well someone must have finally saw something, because the next thing I knew was the gun went off, and at the same time I was tackled to the ground. When I fell to the ground I hit the back of my head on the sidewalk. Though I was perfectly fine, other than the fact that the back of my head was bleeding. When I looked up I saw a guy over top of me. The guy had a familiar face, but my head was pounding so hard I couldn't think.
  4. When my head started to pound a little less I recognized the face. It was the mystery boy. "Thanks for saving me," I said out of instinct. He didn't say anything he just seemed to stare at me. It was a soft gaze that seemed to hold many emotions behind it. "Why won't you tell me your name?" I asked almost in a whisper. Like figuring out his name was some big secret. After a long while he finally answered me, "I am Damian." As he said this a half smile appeared on his face. Though it quickly disappeared, and once again he got up and left. "Wait! Why are you avoiding me!?" I called out to him, but he ignored me and kept walking. So, I sat there for awhile thinking. Well at least now I knew his name. Then I heard someone say, "Oh my god is that Rhiannon?" Another person said, "It is! Rhiannon, are you okay?" Then two set of feet ran over to me. When I looked up I saw Adrian and Blake. They looked horrified, but I didn't know why. Then I turned my head to look what they were looking at. That is when I saw a pool of blood on the ground. This made me pass out, but before I blacked out I felt someone catch me.
  5. When I woke up I was in my room. Good this was all just a bad dream. Then I got out of bed and noticed I was wearing the same clothes. Then I felt the back of my head and felt the open wound. Quickly I removed my hand and winced in pain. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," said a voice in the corner of my room. I looked over and saw there, on a chair in the corner of my room, was Blake. His face held a relieved look on it. How long had he been sitting there? So without any hesitation, I asked him, "How long have you been in here? Also how long have I been passed out."Not long and for two hours," he answered. "Oh, " I said in reply, not really sure what to say. I mean he wouldn't know what happened to me, would he? Blake then left as I was thinking, but came back a few moments later with gauze, a wet towel, tape, and a bowl. He walked over and sat next to me on the bed, setting the stuff down on the table. "Stay still, I need to put a bandage over your wound," he said this while taking the towel and dabbing my wound. "Fine, but I need to ask you something." I said in response. After I said this I heard Blake sigh and asked, "What would you like to know, Rhiannon." His reaction surprised me quite a bit, like he knew my question was going to be difficult,. Though I pushed this thought away, and asked my question. I asked, "Blake, do you know what happened to me?" "No, do you?" he asked back while looking at me.
  6. His response caught me off guard, but I knew what he meant. I didn't even know what happened to me. Well, I knew the events, but not the reasons. All I know was that I must have been frozen in fear when the guy pulled the gun on me. So, I said, "Well I know that there was this strange man in all black standing in the middle of the park. I know that he has been stalking me. Also I know that he pulled a gun on me and tried to kill me. The last thing I know is that Damian tackled me, and saved my life, but ran off again." He was done patching up my wound, so he was looking at me now. Blake's face held one of the weirdest expressions ever, I believe it meant he was thinking. Then he said, "Describe the man." I replied by telling him his description. Making sure to cover everything from his trench coat to his combat boots. After I was done describing him his eyes widened, then he whispered, "He's here?" "Who's here?" I asked sounding confused. "They call him the Crow, well at least that is all we know to call him," said Adrian standing in the doorway. "Dude, you know she should not know anything about...well... anything. If she does she might end up getting dragged into all of this," Blake said while sounding kind of protective of me. "You don't think that what happened to her makes her involved?" Adrian asked a little harsh. This remark he made ended up making Blake shut up. "All right someone has to tell me what is going on, right now," I demanded.
  7. "Alright, well there is a plot in effect right now within our government. It is a plot for a total take over of this country. The plan is in effect, and almost anyone who has tried to stop them couldn't succeed. Accept for one person, one person who isn't even trying. This person holds the only key to a door that contains a powerful weapon, a nuclear bomb. The reason it was put in there was, because the government knew they couldn't take over without it. Since, how are you going to take over a whole government, it's army, and it's people without having something that could wipe them all out? If these people get their hands on that bomb, our government will turn into chaos. This is why to stop all that from happening, they made a door with only one key, and gave this key to a very clueless person," Adrian explained all this to me, and I tried to wrap my head around it all. In the end I was able to make sense of it all. Though I was having a hard time figuring out what anything had to do with me.
  8. Blake interrupted Adrian before he was about to speak again. He said, "Maybe you should stop here for today." "Why are you so afraid of her knowing?" Adrian asked while gritting his teeth. "She might be put at risk after knowing all of this information." Blake snapped back at him. Adrian didn't answer him back right away, all he was did was look over at me. I could tell that he was thinking hard about something. Then when he looked away he said to Blake, "She might be put in a much bigger risk if she doesn't know. If she does know we might be able to help her. So nothing bad happens to her." They kept talking about me like I wasn't in the room. So, I decided to speak up, "Whatever it is, I want to know. I want to know what this all has to do with me." This made Blake look at me, he gave a face that meant 'please, don't'. It made me a little sad to see him this way, but I had to know, so I kept my same persistent face.
  9. Adrian seemed to be happy that I wanted to know. So, he countinued on without hesitation, "Crow was on of the few sent out by the people who are trying to take over this government. He was sent in search of one thing. The key and who ever is holding on to it. This why he was in the park today, and this is why he has been stalking you." I still didn't understand what all of this had to do with me. Maybe it didn't have to deal directly with me. Though who else around me would have anything to deal with all of this. "Is Damian the one with the key. Since, that would make since of why he is avoiding me." Adrian laughed at me a little then said, "No, Damian is not the special one who is holding on to the key. You are. The reason he is avoiding you is because he was a spy sent out too. A spy who is supposed to find the key, and kill the person, and that person would be you."
  10. So, this is the conclusion of part two of the Twisted Hearts series. I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope you will read the next. If you could comment or rate that would be great. All of the positive feedback I got last time motivated me.

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