Twilight, your romance (part 1)

This is a story of how your at a new school and you meet all these people and you have to chose between between them, it has, Jacob, Mike,Eric and Edward on the choice of who you like.

there is also Emmet, Alice, Rosalie, Jasper and Jessica but they arn't in the choice but they might be in the next, i hope you get somebody you like. (don't change you ansers if i put what you do, it is just how it goes.)

Created by: hinata
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You arive at your new school, "Wow." you say as you walk through the doors, "Hi my name is Eric and you must be _______, the new girl, hey do you want to sit with me at lunch with my buds?"
  2. You have to go to gym, them pass the ball to you, you are bad at sports so you hit it the wrong way and into a boy in the next court, "HEY!" he shouts and rubs his head he turns around and his anger diapeares, "Oh, hey, yea don't worry about the hit in the head you must be _____."
  3. suddnly a girl from your team runs over, "Hey good spike, im Jessica by the way yea you must be ______, the new girl right? yea this is mike." she point to the boy, *she seems to like him*
  4. You walk into the lunch room, all your friends are there, they seem to all know eachother, you walk over and sit down they all keep talking, you look over to your right and you see some kids with pale white skin, a boy with light brown hair catches your eye. you....
  5. You walk over to say hi (don't change your answer it is just how it goes)you say hi to a girl with short brown hair, the boy with the afro seemed to tence up when you come close, "Hi." you say, "Hi, im Alice, this is jasper," she points to the guy next to her, "And this is Rosali," she pointed to a seemingly stuck up girl, "And this is Emmet," She pointed to a boy next to Rosali, "And this is edward. What is your name?" "______." You say looking at edward.
  6. You turn back and see everyone in the room staring, "So do you want to do somehting sometime?" edward says not looking around the room.
  7. "Cool i'll pick you up at 6pm ok?" He smiles, you can't stop looking at him, the everthing goes black.
  8. The next thing you remember is waking up in the nurses office, edward leaning over you looking worried and a old lady, as soon as he saw that you were ok he smiled, "Is she going to be ok?" "Yes, she is going to be ok she just need some rest sonny." she hobbled out of the room, edward still leaning over you.
  9. I was worried, he explained what happend and you went red with...
  10. Suddenly a tanned boy with long black hair walked into the room, "Yea, hi im jacob and i'm hear to pick up _______." you look at edward and his nose seems to be rinckled, you think you can hear growling from him, "Get away from her." "No, I'm hear to pick her up and take her home." the growling got louder as he got closer, jacob picked you up. his skin felt like it was on fire.
  11. "Get away from her, you will hurt her and you know it. now put her down i will take her home." "No i was sent, so im taking her." edward growling was getting louder, as it got louder jacob held you tighter, suddnley edward lunged, "GIVE HER TO ME NOW FIDO!" jacob started to shiver, he put you behind him and said "I BET YOU WHERE JUST ABOUT TO BITE HER BLOODSUCKER!" just then there was a puff of smoke and jacob was gone, there was just a wolf in his place. he lunges to. they were both in the air now.
  12. Sorry but im going to have to leave it like that. come back and im going to have part 2

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Quiz topic: Twilight, my romance (part 1)