Truth or Dare! (WOW! WOOSH! I'M BORED!)

Quiz Image

Me/K: AWW, THE PIC FOR THE QUIZ IS SO CUTE! *Clears throat* Anyway, other than Bakugo, hope you enjoy this quiz and your result! Let's see what Truth or Dare you get!

Me/K: Remember to have fun, you may not even do the dare, but if you don't, then I'll allow you to do a truth, I just did this cause I wanted to make another normal quiz! ENJOY!

Created by: Sonic Tails Lf
  1. Me/K: OMG, I am LOVING the picture of Bakugo for the quiz pic, I'm sorry, I had to say that, anyway, pick, well, ya know.
  2. Me/K: Ok, that is legit the only thing that counted, yeah, now we are awkwardly looking at a screen of a quiz. Ain't that fun?
  3. Me/K: So um, who's better, Hawks or Dabi?
  4. Me/K: Who's better, Knuckles or Tails (PICK TAILS, HE'S AMAZING!)
  5. Me/K: Which one would you rather watch? (I recommend all these shows, their pretty good)
  6. Me/K: Who's better, Deku or Bakugo? (I like Bakugo, I'm SO SORRY Deku, I still love you though)
  7. Me/K: Who's better, Shoto or Bakugo?
  8. Me/K: Which game would you rather play? (I recommend ALL of these)
  9. Me/K: If you were a Sonic character, which character out of these would you wanna be BEST friends with? (Ya know me, I wanna be friends with all of them. MAINLY Sonic, Tails, and Silver)
  10. Me/K: You ready for your dare/truth?

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