True Luke Bryan Fan

There are some people that know a lot about Luke Bryan and there are people that don't know a thing about him you rate your self how you did I don't want to judge you

You are awesome you know a lot about him I think that you will be very good at this stuff when you are bigger just never give up on Luke Bryan he is the best person on earth

Created by: Michaela
  1. When was Luke Bryan born?
  2. Where does Luke Bryan live?
  3. What was Luke Bryan's first song that he produced?
  4. How old are Bo and Tate?
  5. What song does he have a high pitched voice in and (sings like a girl.)
  6. What does Luke Bryan's black hat say on the back of it?
  7. How sexy do you think Luke Bryan is?
  8. How sexy do you think Luke Bryan is?
  9. How old is Caroline Bryan?
  10. Does Luke Bryan play baseball?

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