Trick Questions!!! :D

Do you think your the genius in your house? Are you tired of your friends calling you dumb when you can solve the simplest of challenges? Well I don't give a hoot about all that! Just please take this quiz :3

Do you think you have a high IQ? Or do you even know what IQ means? Don't worry! Take this quiz and you'll answer some challenging questions that a complete idiot can (maybe) get right!

Created by: aaherby
  1. If Mr. Jones's chicken lays an egg on Mrs. Alley's lawn, who does the egg belong to?
  2. You have six bananas, eight apples, and sixteen other fruits. How many vegetables do you have?
  3. A plane crashes on the border of Kansas and Colorado. Dozens of people were killed. Where do you bury the survivors?
  4. You are picking apples from an apple tree. You see that there are 34 apples on the tree. If you pick 7 apples, how many do you have?
  5. You're mom's sister's son is napping on your bed. Who is napping on your bed?
  6. If Maria spins in a 360 degree angle, what direction is she facing?
  7. A mother and father have two daughters. Each daughter has three brothers. How many people are in the family?
  8. Sara buys a pencil and an eraser for $1.10. The pencil cost $1 more than the eraser. How much does each cost?
  9. *not exactly a trick question* The colors of the rainbow make what acronym?
  10. The following letters represent the first word in a series of related words. What are the next three letters? S,M,T,W,...
  11. A large square is divided into 9 pieces. How many squares are there?

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