ToTaL DrAmA QuIz

Ok look this is a total drama trivia quiz. If you havent watched dis show 1st get a life 2nd go watch it now OR ELSE ... You'll fail (me) teehee below are the people on the show enjoy.

Gwen courtny Duncan Owen izzy sierra alejandro cody trent dj harold ezeikel heather lindsay beth leshawnda bridgette Jeff eva noah katie sadie cody Justin Tyler blanley chef AND Chris.

Created by: LiZzE
  1. From TDI who had the first alliance.
  2. From TDI who was hot but dumb.
  3. From TDI who saved DJs bunny.
  4. From TDA who started the after math.
  5. From TDA who broke up because the GUY was to clingy.
  6. Who won TDA
  7. On TDWT who is(WERE)new comers.
  8. FILL IN DA BLANKS _ cheated on _ for _
  9. What 2 came (BACK) in da middle of da season?
  10. DiD U Lik iT

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