Toogetian wolf elements

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There may be many Toogetian elements, but there is only one of you. Come, see what element you are, wether it be rain or storm. Night or day. You will forever be one of a kind

Are you a Toogetian wolf? Can you be one of us? There are so many elements. Try to figure it out, i dare you. or go ahead and take this fun and easy quiz. It will only last a few minutes.

Created by: Coventry
  1. What is your favorite kind of weather?
  2. A storm is coming, what emotion do you feel?
  3. You notice an elk track that no one else does, you...
  4. Your facin an enemy wolf 'Ghost Wolf' You sense
  5. Night comes, you head to the high rocks to howl to the ancestors, but someone is already there, you...
  6. What is your favorite element?
  7. You are about to cross into enemy territory, you......
  8. Your preparing for a battle, where would be the place to hold it?
  9. Your surrounded by enemy wolves, you have only one pack member with you. You...
  10. The storms that have been raging around you are getting stronger, you...

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