To Bluebird {Aria's} | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz To Bluebird {Aria's}.

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  • OMG Thank you so much :')! You just brightened up my day and I'm so grateful that you did this! School was not easy today with him there... He didn't cheat on me but there were these group of girls following him today and they were glaring at me... I have no idea as to why though... But there are my friends like @Freeze and other people that helped me and you're definitely one of them! I don't know how long it will take but you have just made it a lot easier with this amazing niceness of yours and happiness that seems to be infectious. Thank you so much! Love you!

  • @Bluebird: I don't know why you ever went out with someone so stupid like that. He's not worthy of you at ALL and those girls that were glaring at you need to a) go stuff pins in their eyes, and b) get a freaking life already. (Sorry, I know that was a teensy bit violent) You are an amazing person and you deserve only the best. Okay? the BEST! And nothing less.

    @Aria: You.Are.So.Freaking .Sweet! As Blue said above, you made her life a heck of a lot easier. You are just amazing. *bows*

  • I respect you so much Aria. Not everybody is like you. Youre such a wonderful friend. I hope that Bluebird got over him.


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