This is for my BEST bud!!! :D

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Me/K: This is a quiz I made for my BEST BUD, it's like the Tails one, but it has someone else I care about! I may even make another one like this! I HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!

Me/K: I don't have anything else to say, it's just that I need to fill in the spaces so just take the quiz. Comment and rate too! This is ALMOST over, ok, now it is!

Created by: Sonic Tails Lf
  1. Me/K: Hello and welcome!
  2. Me/K: Today, we are going to give out another reward to one of my best buds!
  3. Me/K: Our first guest is......TAILS!!!
  4. Me/K: Now, for our SPECIAL guest, its.....SONIC!!! Sonic: Hi, K, Tails, (Y/N)!
  5. Me/K: Anyway, me and Tails have planned this for Sonic to give him an award showing him how much we care! Sonic: Aww, thanks guys!
  6. Me/K: First off, Tails will share his speech. Tails: Sonic, your the BEST hero I know. I thank you for helping me through the hard times and giving me the courage I needed to do better things than before. You aren't only my BEST friend, your also my big brother *Hugs Sonic* Sonic: *Hugs back* Thanks, Tails! Me/K: Aww, brotherly love! Sonic: Really, K? Me/K: WHAT?!
  7. Me/K: Ok, now, I will share my speech *Gets cards* Ok, Sonic, you are a GREAT hero and an AMAZING friend! You help everyone even if it means putting your life at risk. I really admire that and how when you come into the room, it brightens up. You will always be loved to me and I will always be there for you when you need me. I love you so much! *Hugs Sonic* Sonic: *Hugs back* Thanks a lot, K! It means a lot!
  8. Me/K: Tails also has a gift for you! GO TAILS! Tails: Yeah *Brings in machine* This is a Chili Dog maker, you just press the little button, and it's makes itself! Sonic: *Presses button and eats Chili Dog* Thanks, Tails! This will come in handy!
  9. Me/K: I also have something for you *Gives Sonic trophy that says "AWESOME HERO"* Sonic: *Takes Trophy* Thanks, K!
  10. Me/K: This whole thing was fun! Sonic: Yeah, it was and thanks for everything you guys! Tails: No problem. Me/K and Tails: *Hugs Sonic* Sonic: You two know I'm not a fan of hugs... Me/K: I'm not either but it's called for!
  11. Me/K: I hope you enjoyed the quiz! It was fun having you here! :D

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