Their Watching You series

This quiz is based opon my books the Their Watching You series. There are a total of nine books at the moment. and i had fun making them so... yeah. :)

Ps- if you have no idea what my series are about, please dont take it. it'll make no sence. Thanks. if you do know what im talking about, keep going. Thanks :)

Created by: RedWolf3690

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you read my last book yet? (book 9)
  2. Whose point of view was it in the first book?
  3. What happened in the 2nd book? :O
  4. What was the title of the 3rd book?
  5. Who comes in in book 4?
  6. How does Abby's parents die? (sad moment in the book)
  7. Who saved Abby when she fell from the building at disney world?
  8. What happens in book 7?
  9. What is the name of Abby's baby?
  10. What book does Abby, Serge, And her baby go into?
  11. Who is your favorite person out of these?

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