The WoW Lore Quiz

Do you think you know alot about WoW and you think you know all the WoW lore,well test your knowledge with this Quiz! ...Don't even bother if you don't play WoW! :P

Can you say for yourself that you are a WoW nerd? Only if you can do this test with all answers right! Test your WoW knowledge with this WoW lore Quiz!

Created by: Roman Zeremski
  1. War between Humans and Orcs or....?
  2. Sargeras is known as the ... Titan
  3. Vol'jin is the son of ...
  4. Where are the Qiraji now?
  5. What is the first paladin brotherhood?
  6. During the Third war which one of these things DIDNT happen?
  7. Who found Thrall?
  8. When did The Great Sundering happen?
  9. What happened to Alexandros Mograine?
  10. How did Arthas become fully The LIch King?

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