The Unforgiven and Unforgotten part 14

Hey guys sorry I took so long to make this part, I'm really sorry. Anyways I looked at part 13's results and wow a lot of people got Aaron some got Jayden and one or two people got Drake. Now I need to start making Shane and Omar more loveable

Shane has light brown hair, emerald green eyes, pale skin, lean muscles, and a to die for smile. He's also a Vampire. Drake is the more antisocial and mysterious type with his dark brown hair with natural blonde highlights, striking icy blue eyes, nice tan, deep yet sexy voice, two military dog tags that he wears around his neck, he's also a Werewolf. Omar is the smart but funny type of the group with his dirty blonde hair, bright amber eyes, perfect muscles, lean body, and he's a regular immortal with powers. Aaron is the leader type of the group with his coal black hair, gorgeous golden eyes, fit body, and adorable dimples. He's also a Fallen Angel. Jayden is the trouble maker of the group with his dark brown hair and red highlights at the tip, light purple eyes, lean body. He's a Hybrid

Created by: Cometlight
  1. I sighed softly as Delgado transported me back to the meadow that I was in before. I looked down at Delgado and shook my head. Delgado looked up at me with question in his eyes. "What?" He asked. I sat down on the grass with my legs crossed. "You still haven't told him the truth have you Delgado?" I asked but it was more of a statement than a question. Delgado sighed softly and shook his head. "No I haven't yet young one, but it's only because now isn't a good time. Now feel free to ask me any questions that you have in store." Delgado said clearly changing the subject. I brushed it off and decided to let it go. "Alright fine are Luka and Mason still coming after me?" I asked I could tell that my voice was off edge. Delgado nodded while staring at me with his solemn silver eyes. "Yes they are Mason has sent out some of his agents and Luka I'm not so sure. So far I can't see where he is or what he's planning." Delgado explained. "Well I guess that is helpful sort of. Um oh yeah what was it with the dragon egg inside the golden locket?" I asked remembering how I escaped thanks to Starfire, that reminds me I have to get her out of the lab without being seen. Delgado chuckled lightly. "Ah I see you finally opened it, well that dragon egg of course seals a baby dragon inside. That dragon is to guide you and stand beside you no matter what. Dragons have been the guardians of the God and/or Goddess of the Ortu Cinis for thousands of years. Your dragon is the very first Sun Dragon to be born in 15,000,000 years, sun dragons are very powerful they can summon power from the sun and can travel through different dimensions, let alone create their own. They have high intelligence and obey to only one. Sun Dragons like other dragons have special saliva that can heal injuries and use telepathy to communicate with one another, the last thing about them is that your precise dragon has the power of Sleep Inducing making whoever they wish instantly fall asleep also the power of Voice Manipulation." Delgado explained and his voice was filled pure seriousness. I nodded taking it all in at once. "I have one last question Delgado." "What is it my child?" "Where's White Fang?" I asked as I looked at Delgado. Delgado turned away from my gaze and looked down at the ground. "That I don't have an answer to child, I'm sorry but I must go now. One of your protectors is going to enter your room soon. Until then I bare you farewell." He said softly and turned around to leave but he stopped in his tracks at the last minute and glanced over his shoulder. "Practice your Dream Leaping child but be careful on whose dream you enter." Delgado said softly and disappeared as I soon slipped into pure nothingness
  2. I could feel that I was back in my bed, I was sleeping on my right side with the blanket over my head. I then remembered last night and how I fell asleep on Omar's shoulder, one of the guys must have brought me up here. I pulled the blanket closer and kept my eyes closed as the bed was too comfortable. I attempted to go back to sleep until I heard the door slam open and I felt the bed starting to rock back and forth. "_________time to wake up and start your training." I opened my eyes and peeked over the blanket to catch a glimpse of Omar's dirty blonde hair. I groaned and pulled the blanket farther over my head. "What time is it." I yawned. Omar continued on jumping on the bed. "Like 5:00 a.m I think." He said and I could imagine him smiling right now. I tossed the blanket off of my head to stared at Omar. "5:a.m are you freaking kidding me Omar!"I yelled at him as I need to sleep it's like my most favorite thing to do, if there was such a sleeping contest I bet that I would win.(It's true I once fell asleep around 8:p.m and woke up at 6:p.m the next day XD) Omar shook his head and jumped off from the bed and onto the floor. "Nope now time to get up________." He said as he stood at the edge of the bed. "Give me like an hour and I'll be good."I said as sleep was calling to me and I wasn't really paying attention to what I was saying. Omar nodded and stood at the foot of my bed. "Nah you got 30 minutes to get up and ready. Also I'm taking this with me to make sure that you get up."Omar said. "Wha?" I asked but right then and there Omar grabbed the blanket and yanked it off from my bed. The cold air struck me at once and I shivered, Omar swung the large blanket over his shoulder and started walking out the door. "Aw come on Omar really you have to take my blanket!" I yelled at him but he was long gone, I sighed and threw myself back onto the bed. Being lazy has it's pros and cons.
  3. I groaned as I dragged myself out of bed and walked over to the bathroom like a zombie, well that's how I feel like when someone wakes me up toooooo early and takes my blanket. I took a shower and wrapped the towel around myself. I opened the door and looked out to make sure that no one was inside my room, it was clear. I walked out and trotted over to my walk in closet, I changed into a pair of faded grey skinny jeans, a light blue t shirt with a design of a wolf pack howling at the moon, and a pair of converse. I combed my hair and looked at the mirror, perfection. I smiled and opened to door the hallway was empty, of course it's probably close to being 6 a.m. Omar better watch his back today. I walked into the hallway when I remembered something, Starfire was still inside the lab trapped underneath the bed. Now would probably be a good time since most of the guys are asleep and Omar is who knows where. I listened quietly and sneaked past the rooms of the guys. I walked down the stairs quickly and quietly thanking that they don't creak like in the movies. I walked down the many hallways and stairs until I finally managed to make it to the lab, only problem is that it's locked. It has one of those panels that you have to out your hand on but instead of your hand it hand a small straight line opening in the center that looked like for a card or something. I sighed in frustration and placed my head on the door. "What do I do now?" I asked myself out aloud. "Well you could come outside to the yard so that you can train."
  4. My body grew stiff as I heard that voice, I was caught red handed by one of the guys. I turned around slowly to see Shane leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. "Alright fine you caught me Shane." I said and raised my hands over my head, Shane smiled and shook his head. "True but I'm wondering on why your all the way down here in this part of the mansion." He asked and cocked one of his eyebrows up, I seriously need to work on my sneaky and quietness. "What I can't come and visit Aaron or what?" I asked completely lying although Shane doesn't need to know now does he? Shane smiled and nodded. "Yeah you can but you do need a key to get in if I'm correct, which I know I am." Shane said as he stepped closer towards me. I tried to stay calm but that hardly ever works when a hot shirtless guy is standing only a few inches away from you, if you think it's easy to stay calm in this situation then I like to see you try it. "Yeah I think I kind of figured that out when I saw the panel." I retorted and pointed at the panel that was right behind me. Shane smirked and took a step closer towards me. "Too bad Drake has the key but there is another way to get in, but I'm not sure if I should tell you." Shane said as he gazed up at the ceiling and bit his lip. I exhaled sharply and gazed at Shane. "Please Shane open it for me." I said sweetly trying to put on my best angelic act. Shane looked at me with his bright emerald green eyes, he then leaned in. Shivers went up my spine as Shane leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Alright I'll open it for you but if anyone asks Jayden was the one that opened it." He whispered softly, he regained his composure and walked over to the panel. He was about to do something but he glanced over his shoulder and smiled slyly. "Don't look it's a secret." He said and smirked. I groaned and turned my back towards him. I could hear a few noises like wires being connected together and ripped apart, metal clinging and then the sound of the lab door sliding open.
  5. I turned around and smiled at Shane. "Thank you now you can leave while I visit Aaron, alone." I said as I walked into the lab and stopped at the doorway. I turned around to face Shane since I knew he was still there. "Nah I don't think so_________, you see either I stay with you or you leave." Shane said and smirked. I rolled my eyes and stood my ground, yeah like I'm going to take orders from mr. hotshot Shane. "What you don't trust me?" I asked and smirked. Shane groaned and crossed his arms. "Trust is such a strong word." He said as he looked up at the ceiling. "Shane...." I said and narrowed my eyes, Shane then raised his hands up into the air. "Alright fine I'm going just be sure to lock the door when your done." He said as he turned around and walked away. I smiled and waited at the door until Shane was out of sight I walked backwards slowly and then walked towards Aaron. He was still laying still on the bed and his chest rose and fell as he breathed. I shuddered at the sight as I couldn't bare to see Aaron like this, Shane had fixed his bones back into place and Starfire had healed his wounds but he still looked really bad. I grabbed Aaron's hand and closed my eyes as I felt a warm tear fall onto my cheek and then onto the floor. "Hang in there Aaron." I whispered and opened my eyes, I took a deep breath trying to pull myself together. I then remembered why I came here besides to see Aaron. "Starfire you still in here." I called out and waited for a response. Minutes passed well they weren't really minutes probably about a few seconds but it felt like minutes since I'm very impatient. "Starfire are you still in here?" I asked again. A few seconds later she slipped out from a crack in the wall and leaped in front of me. -Finally you came back I'm starving- Starfire said in my head. I smiled and exhaled sharply. "Did any of the guys see you at all?" I asked her as she climbed up onto my shoulder. -Nope I stood hidden like you told me. Now can we go before I end up eating all the machines in here. I want to eat so badly- Starfire begged inside my head. I laughed softly and nodded. "Relax Starfire we'll go right now I just want to make sure the guys didn't see you that's all." I said as I walked out of the lab, once I stepped foot out of it the door closed right behind me, weird? I know it creep me out too.
  6. I turned around and looked at the door for a couple of seconds, hey you got to admit a automatic closing door that closes right after you step out of the room is kind of weird. Anyways moving on I turned back around as I shook it off and continued on walking down the hall with Starfire on my shoulder. What I really hate is that the lab is on the first floor and the living room and kitchen are on the third floor, if only I had teleportation like Aaron then it would be much easier. After a few minutes I made it to the kitchen, which nobody was in. Starfire being all hyper squealed in delight and jumped off of my shoulder and onto the counter that had a plate full of chocolate waffles cooked and ready to eat. Beside the plate was a piece of paper folded up and wrinkled. I unfolded the paper and read it. 'Thought you might need some food to build up some energy for training, meet my in the yard when your done. ~ Omar. I sighed and shook my head, first Omar takes my blanket when I'm sleeping peacefully and then makes me breakfast? He is seriously another Jayden well sort of. I took a seat on one of the stools and grabbed a waffle before Starfire could finish all of them, she was already on her third waffle. That's when I noticed the difference in Starfire, when she first hatched which was barely a day ago she was the size of my index finger and now she's the size of a water bottle. Is it just me or do Sun Dragons grow fast?
  7. Moving on I finished eating and grabbed the plate away from Starfire. -Hey! I was eating that!- Starfire yelled in my mind which really hurt since she has a loud voice for a small dragon. "Too bad Starfire I need to hide you before the other guys wake up." I explained to her as I placed the plate inside the dishwasher. I looked at the clock and it was about to be 7:00 a.m. Wow it's been almost 2 hours since Omar woke me up, it's fun making him wait. -Fine- Starfire pouted and jumped off of the counter, onto the stool, leaped into the air and landed on the fridge, jumped down and landed on the towel rack, and then leaped again and landed on my shoulder. "Did you really have to go through all that just to climb up onto my shoulder?" I asked her as I raised an eyebrow. -Yesh- She said softly and flicked her long scaly tail. I rolled my eyes as I climbed up the stairs towards my room. I managed to sneak past the guys room but almost broke a vase but I was able to catch it. I opened the door to my room and stepped inside. "Alright Starfire find a place to hide in here and don't make a sound or come out unless I say so." -Okay okay no need to give me a lecture, sheesh- Starfire retorted and climbed off of my shoulder and scurried around, searching for a place to hide. I walked over to the terrace and could see Omar below, pacing back and forth with his arms behind his back. Most likely waiting for me. I smirked and looked for something to climb down on, I then noticed a few vines growing on the wall with exotic flowers growing as well. They looked strong enough to carry my weight so what the heck. I lifted myself up onto the ledge and grabbed one of the vines, I pulled it to make sure that it was sturdy, which it was. I wrapped it around my fist and slowly took my feet off of the terrace, I dangled freely in the air for a few seconds. Don't look down, don't look down. I kept repeating in my head as I placed my feet against the wall and buckled my knees. I then pushed and continued on doing the same thing, I seriously felt like a mountain climber when they do this, that's when I heard a snap. I slowly looked up to see the the vine was ripping. I tried to reach for another vine but it was already too late. The vine had snapped into two and I was falling towards the ground. I closed my eyes shut and waited for the pain to arrive but instead I felt warm and strong arms catch me
  8. I opened my eyes and looked up to see Omar looking down at me with a smirk on his face. "Must you always be a risk taker________?" Omar asked while smiling. I flashed him a smile. "Gee Omar I'm fine thanks for asking." I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes. "Yeah I already knew that I just wanted to say that." "Sure now can you let go of me?" I asked as I struggled to get out of Omar's grip but he was too strong. "I prefer not to." Omar said and winked. "Omar I swear if you don't let go of me I am going to kill you." "You wouldn't________because you love me too much." "If that's what you want to believe but let me refresh your memory. What power that I have that goes something something death." I said and raised an eyebrow. Omar's eyes widened but then they narrowed. He then leaned in even though he was carrying me like a groom does with his bride. He then whispered in my ear. "Threaten me all you want_______,but no matter what I won't leave your side." He whispered and then he placed me down on the ground. I stood there surprised as I didn't expect that someone like Omar to say that. Omar is the funny type and doesn't really take anything seriously, and he's also a flirt which is more surprising. I snapped out of it when Omar turned around to face me. "Alright so let's start on your training. If I recall I'm suppose to train you on Shapeshifting and Touch of Death. So first let's start on Shapeshifting it's basically just shifting into different animals and being able to use that animal's ability. In rare cases there's a chance that you can summon an animal's power without having to shift into that animal and you have that. Alright so first things first relax and clear your mind, focus on an animal that you want to shift into." Omar instructed and I nodded. I closed my eyes and exhaled deeply, I then started concentrating on shifting into a..
  9. I concentrated on shifting into a Lion. I imagined a lion inside my head, it's body structure, it's fur and mane, it's sharp teeth, it's fierce personality. I then started to feel a tingling sensation on my skin and butterfly's started to form inside my stomach. I could feel my bones shifting into different positions but I felt no pain at all. I opened my eyes to see a sky blue mist surround me. "Omar wants going on?" I asked getting a bit nervous. "It's alright_________your just starting to shift. Just relax and stay calm." Omar called out. I nodded even though Omar couldn't see me, I remained still and my bones continued on shifting into different position and forced me to fall on my knees like on all fours for most animals. I cried out in pain when a sharp pain in my spine hit me like a stab in the back. I collapsed on my back and closed my eyes as the pain increased, my bones cracked as they shifted and I could feel my heart pumping faster and faster. I gritted my teeth and opened my eyes I looked at my hand to see a sleek black paw with sharp claws and a scarlet color at the tips of them. "__________are you alright? What's going on!?!" Omar called out but I wasn't paying attention. The mist was still surrounding me, preventing Omar from coming close or seeing me. I struggled to get up but soon managed but then I noticed that I was standing on all fours. I glanced over my shoulder and I could see sleek black fur with light silver markings that looked like they represented stars in the night sky. I could see ashy brown fur standing on end on my back that reached from my neck to the beginning of my tail, which my tail at the tip was a fire ball but the fire was blue instead of a red orange. What did I shift into?
  10. I looked around but the mist was still surrounding me, that's when I noticed that the mist like a mirror. I could see myself in the mist and that's when I figured out that I have shifted into a Hellhound. I also noticed that my eyes has changed my left eye was a striking icy blue and my right eye was a gleaming purple. I looked closer to see that my eyes have a small different pattern in each that is hardly noticeable unless you look straight into my eyes. The icy blue eye had a pattern of a phoenix rising from it's ashes and the purple eye had a pattern of a manticore standing strong and proud. The mist soon faded away with the wind and I could hear Omar. "What the-________is that you?" Omar asked as he knelt down on the ground. I turned around to face him and nodded. "Yeah it's me." I said softly as I looked down at the ground. A large grin then spread on Omar's face. "This is freaking awesome! Your like a skinwalker but your not at the same time. This is the very first time that this has happened in centuries. If you can shift into other supernatural beings then this means that you can shift into humans as well." Omar said and I could see that he was getting more excited by the second. "Um Omar correct me if I'm wrong but I do believe that this is my power not your, too bad you only have animal mimicry and one more thing. How do I shift back?" I asked and smirked. Omar looked at me and laughed nervously. "Oh yeah sorry I got overwhelmed there for a second." Yup it's official Omar doesn't take anything seriously. "Alright." Omar said as he clapped his hands together. "Just do the same thing you did before and picture yourself changing back into your normal self."
  11. I exhaled sharply and closed my eyes, I pictured my old self and concentrated on that. It took me a couple of minutes but I was finally able to do it. I shifted back into my human form and I smiled as it felt good to be back to normal. Omar then looked at me with amusement shining in his bright amber eyes. "What?" I asked as I didn't see anything that might make him have that look in his eyes around us, unless he had that look because of me. Omar shook his head and grinned. "Nothing it's just that your eyes they're still like you know bi colored." Omar said and started to laugh. "What!?!" I yelled. Omar placed the back of his hand over his mouth, trying to make himself stop laughing. "It really doesn't look that bad, it actually looks pretty cool and.....adorable to tell the truth." Omar said and the last part was just barely above a whisper. I smiled shyly and looked down at the ground. "Thanks Omar that was really sweet of you." I said softly as I looked up at him. Omar smiled and took a step closer towards me and then another and another until he was right in front of me, just inches away from me. "I can be when I want to." Omar said and smirked he then pulled me closer to him as he grabbed me by the waist. His face stood centimeters away from me, he then kissed me on the shoulder, then on the neck, and the on my shoulder. I was getting anxious already and I had a feeling that Omar wanted me to feel like that, he was teasing me to see how I would react. Omar then looked me in my eyes and smiled lightly. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this." Omar whispered and then kissed me on the lips
  12. At first the kiss was soft and tender but then it turned passionate and deep. We then pulled apart to catch our breath, Omar smiled as he leaned his forehead against mine. "Wow that was much better than I expected it to be." Omar said and laughed softly. I smirked and unwrapped his arms around my waist. "I'm just a good kisser like that." I retorted and smiled slyly. Omar took a step back and gave a small nod. "I know." He said and his voice trailed off. "Alright now it's time to train you on your Touch of Death." I cringed as I remembered that time I killed the Manticore with my Touch of Death, I hated that I have this power but the rush that it gives me, the energy that flows through me. No all of that just leads to killing anyone that I touch. "No I don't want to." I said blankly. Omar raised an eyebrow. "________you have to learn to control this power that you have." Omar replied. I shook my head as I looked down at the ground. "I don't want to I hate having this power, it just leads to death for whoever I touch." I retorted blankly but I could hear that my voice was growing more coldly. Omar sighed softly and shook his head. "That's where your wrong________, the Touch of Death is a part of you and you can't turn away from it. There's a point in life where you might have to use this power as a last resource." Omar explained softly. I exhaled deeply as I thought about what Omar said, he does have a point but what good will this power lead to me? Well might as well find out now and learn to control it before I end up doing something I regret. I threw my hands at my sides and turned to face Omar. "Alright fine you win I'll learn to control it." I said giving in to Omar. Omar smirked and rubbed his hands together. "That's what I like to hear."
  13. "Okay firsts things first the Touch of Death is always triggered by hatred or anger. So just try to let anger or hatred flow through you, make the energy flow through your veins grasp it and let it out." Omar instructed and stood a foot away from me. I nodded and flexed my fingers and shoulders I began to think about back at The Electrifier Bloodshed. Flashbacks entered my mind and anger burned inside me as all the thoughts of Mason appeared inside my head, what he was doing to all those helpless innocent supernatural beings, what he did to me, and everything about him. I narrowed my eyes and concentrated on the anger even more it felt like a small flame of fire inside of me, just waiting to grasp enough energy to burst into large flames. The anger grew more and more until I could no longer control it, my hand then turned a bright red and steam started to escape from it. I gazed at me hands and looked it over. Omar smirked and nodded. "You did it________! Just make sure not to come near me or touch me with that hand." Omar said and took a step back. I looked at Omar and smiled. "Now why would I do that." I said and my gaze fell back towards my hand. The energy was pulsing through my veins I could feel it, the power that it hold. I closed my eyes and closed my hand into a fist. I exhaled slowly and the anger soon faded. Omar began to clap as I opened my eyes. "Congratulations you have learned to do Shapeshifting and the Touch of Death. Stay here and I'll go and get Drake." Omar said and then rushed off towards the mansion
  14. I smiled and shook my head, I looked around and sighed there wasn't anything to do at the moment. I sighed and sat down crossed legged on the grass, I picked at the grass and cut it into tiny pieces. I did this for a couple of minutes until I heard footsteps coming towards me. I looked up to see a very tired and dazed Drake, I smiled and shook my head. "Let me guess, Omar took your blanket away from you while you were sleeping oh so peacefully so that you would wake up." I said remembering Omar doing the exact same thing to me. Drake nodded and stretched. "Yeah how did you know?" He asked as he looked at me, instantly I could see his icy blue eyes turn soft and Drake now looked more wide awake. I shrugged and stood up. "He did the exact same thing to me." I said and shook my head. Drake smirked and nodded. "We should get started then, let's start on Telekinesis since you already have some experience with it. Remember when you tried to take my notebook from me." Drake said and raised an eyebrow. I blushed lightly and shook my head. "No I don't recall any of that happening." I said innocently and tried not to smile but failed....epically. Drake smirked and shook his head. "Sure you don't now let's get started." Drake said and pulled out a small rectangular block of wood out of his back pocket. "Concentrate on this block of wood and think about it floating up into the air. Connect with it and try to bond as one with it, once you feel it just let it flow through you don't do anything just relax and go with the flow." Drake explained and sat down on the grass across from me, I sat down as well and stared at the block of wood. I focused on it for a matter of minutes but nothing was happening, I didn't feel no connection no bond or whatsoever. I sighed in frustration and shook my head. "I can't do it." I said. Drake flexed his jaw and stood up he walked over to me and sat down beside me. "Alright I can see that your frustrated and all but you can't give up so easily. This is just the beginning and there's no going back you just have to give it your all, when the going get's tough you just got to get tougher but I will always be there for you. I'll be your personal soldier but for now you just have to go with the flow and relax, let the energy and your mind do everything else for you." Drake said softly and placed his hand on my knee, I nodded and took a deep breath. I looked back at the block of wood and narrowed my eyes, I could then feel a burst of energy come out of nowhere and flow through my body. I did what Drake told me, just go with the flow. I relaxed and continued on looking at the block of wood then I felt a click go inside my mind like a light switch. The block of wood then slowly started to rise up into the air, I concentrated on it and made it move towards the right with just looking towards the right, I looked towards the left and the block of wood moved towards the left. I smiled and threw my hands up into the air in triumph. "Yes I finally did!" I smiled and looked at Drake. "Thanks Drake you really did help and what was that about you being my personal soldier?" I asked and smiled. Drake smiled lightly and shrugged. "It was all you and uh that part about me being your personal soldier...well I can't exactly tell you....yet." Drake said and smirked. "Aw come on Drake you can tell me." I said and gazed at him innocently. Drake shook his head and stood up. "You can't make me tell you now let's get started on Thermokinesis. With thermokinesis you can control the temperature around you and for sure it's easier to learn than any other power. Now focus on me and the temperature around me, try to lower the temperature around me." Drake explained, I cracked my knuckles and focused on Drake and the temperature. I narrowed my eyes and soon I could feel coldness and heat flood into my hands, I looked at my hands but nothing was there. "Don't worry that just means that you now can lower or higher the temperature, not try to lower it." Drake said calmly. I listened closely to Drake and then I snapped my fingers with my hand that felt really cold. Drake then shivered and smiled. "You have now accomplished Telekinesis and Thermokinesis." Drake replied and smiled. I smiled in return and felt the heat and coldness slip away.
  15. Drake walked towards me and smiled, I gazed into his striking icy blue eyes and I swear his eyes sometimes feel like they can see right through my soul. He took a step closer towards me and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. "It's been awhile since we've had some alone time together." Drake said softly, I then remembered when Drake first kissed me it was the first night I stood here at the mansion. I remembered the kiss the warmth that I felt and then the iciness on my lips when Drake pulled away. Drake placed his hand on my cheek and then leaned in, the same warmth from before flooded inside me and butterfly's formed inside my stomach as his lips met mine. The kiss was intense and passionate as Drake pulled me closer to him, his hard abs pressed against my stomach. Then we pulled apart, Drake opened his eyes and smiled showing his pearly white teeth. I smiled in return and hugged Drake I don't know what it is about Drake but I just feel safer around him and I don't have a care in the world. Drake wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. "One more thing before I go__________, your new colored eyes are amazing just like you." He whispered in my ear and then released me from the hug. He smiled and winked at me as he turned around and walked off towards the mansion to probably get either Shane or Jayden
  16. I bit my lip as I watched Drake slip inside the mansion. "So he did notice my eyes." I muttered to myself and wondered how long it would take for Jayden and Shane to notice. I waited for a few more seconds until I saw Shane coming out the back door of the mansion and coming towards me. Shane then flashed me one of his famous to die for smiles, a vampire who has a to die for smile well there's a new one. Shane trotted over to me and cracked his knuckles. "Alright so are you ready to practice on your Enhanced Senses?" Shane asked. "Ready as I'll ever be." I replied and sighed softly. Shane smirked. "No need to worry I'm sure your a natural at this besides Enhanced Senses is a piece of cake trust me." Shane said and smiled. I nodded and prepared myself. "Alright you just have to think about the five senses, hearing, touch, smell, taste, and sight. Let's start on hearing first since it's the easiest think about your hearing and imagine it expanding about a mile away and being able to hear those things." I nodded and thought about my hearing and soon I could hear Shane's heartbeat, the sound of Jayden shuffling around the kitchen looking for something to eat, and many other things. Shane nodded probably noticing that I got it. "Let's see to pick up the pace you could activate all five senses at once, just focus on all five senses it's as easy as that." Shane said and gazed at me. I sighed softly and flexed my shoulders I concentrated on all five senses, pretty soon my hearing was built to the max, my eyesight was so keen I could see an ant crawling up a tree 5 feet away from us, my smell was keen as well as I could smell food being cooked from inside the mansion, my taste buds were spiked up I could taste the bitter air. I exhaled sharply and then my enhanced senses were deactivated. Shane smirked and clapped as he stood there all along just watching. "Now you have learned to control all of your powers, you just need self defense and that's where Jayden comes in." Shane said as he started to turn around but then in a blink of an eye he was right in front of me, most likely use his vampire speed. "But before I got call him I have one last thing to do." Shane said and smirked. I smiled lightly and blushed as I grew anticipated, knowing where this was going but might as well play along. "What would that be?" I asked and false question appeared in my eyes. Shane smirked and leaned in. "This." He whispered and kissed me softly on the lips, shivers went down my spine as his cold lips met mine. His lips were tender and delicate making the kiss more intense, Shane was hesitating but then he pulled away and smiled. "See you later_______." He said smoothly and then used his vampire speed to race inside the mansion.
  17. I sighed and turned around the face the forest, I gazed at the beauty of nature how graceful the trees sway when the wind blows, the songs that the birds sing together, how the leaves dance in the air, just everything about nature is beautiful if you take the time to just stop and watch the scenery. "Boo." I heard a soft and deep voice whisper in my ear. I jumped and cursed. I turned around to see Jayden bending over and laughing like crazy. I placed my hands on my hips and shook my head. "Very funny Jayden." I said and rolled my eyes. Jayden continued on laughing and was now gasping for air. "You should have seen the look on your face." Jayden said between laughs and wiped the water out of his eyes from laughing so hard. "Aww that was priceless thank you_________for a good laugh, I needed that." Jayden said as he managed to stop laughing and gained his composure. "Uh now let's get started on self defense, show me what you got." Jayden replied and spread his arms out. I raised an eyebrow and shrugged, I then threw a punch at Jayden but he reacted fast. He grabbed my fist and twisted my arm behind my back. "Rule #1 never throw the first move and if nobody goes for the first move in a battle then just go for it and hope for the best." Jayden explained and released me from his grip, I straightened my arm and narrowed my eyes. It's a good thing I took kickboxing for 6 years. I then got into my fighting position that my dad taught me before he got into the car accident with my mom, my legs were spread apart for enough balance, my hands were closed into a tight fist and one was below my chin and the other just a few inches away from the middle of my face. Jayden smirked and spread his arms out, he then gave me the hand motion to come at him. I shook my head and narrowed my eyes. Jayden smiled slyly. "Taking my advice already I see." He said and threw the first punch. I blocked it with my arm I then twisted his arm and elbowed him hard in the ribs, I then swept my foot under his leg and kicked him in the shin, causing his knees to buckle. I then placed my free hand on his back and flipped him over with ease, I placed my foot on his chest to keep him from getting up.
  18. Jayden widened his eyes and smiled. "Okay I was not expecting any of that to tell the truth." He said and chuckled softly. I smirked and took my foot off of his chest. "Never underestimate me." I said and turned around, big mistake because then Jayden got up using his vampire speed and had me in a headlock with my arms twisted behind my back. "Rule #2 never turn your back on your opponent." Jayden said and released me from his grip. I took a step back and flexed my jaw I then got back into my fighting position. I continued on training with Jayden and he taught me a couple of new moves, like how to paralyze your opponent for a couple of minutes by placing pressure on specific parts of their body and muscles, and how to make someone fall asleep just by pinching their shoulder. There was one awkward moment while we were practicing, me and Jayden were fighting in an intense combat and I don't think the fight wouldn't have stopped for awhile if that moment didn't happen. Jayden had blocked my fist from hitting him on the jaw and his face was just inches away from mine. I could tell the he was debating in his mind on what to do, a few seconds later he released my fist and took a step back as he sighed and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Alright nice job________to tell the truth I'm pretty amazed at what you can do." Jayden said and smiled. He turned around to walk towards the mansion but he stopped in his tracks and turned around to face me. "By the way nice bi colored eyes but truth to be told my eyes are way better then your one purple eye." Jayden mocked and raced off into the mansion with his vampire speed. Curse him and his hybrid abilities. I narrowed my eyes and flexed my jaw. "Aw h--l no." I said and ran towards the mansion. I burst through the back door and looked around the living room, empty. "JAYDEN!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and ran into the kitchen. Omar and Shane were there making themselves sandwiches. I narrowed my eyes and glared at them. "Where is he." I demanded as I glared at them. Omar avoided my gaze and Shane stood completely still. "Uhhh...." Shane said and his voice trailed off. I could tell that my gaze was piercing into them. Omar then dropped what he was doing and raised his hands up. "Alright I give second floor turn left and go to the second to last door, inside is the den room in there you'll find Jayden most likely on one of the beams on the ceiling." Omar admitted. I studied him for a brief moment and nodded when I could tell that he was telling the truth. I raced up the stairs and towards the second floor but I could hear the faint voices of Omar and Shane. "Bro you just sold out your homeboy." Shane said. Omar sighed and shook his head. "I know but it had to be done because there is no way that I'm facing________'s wrath, but then again it would be awesome to witness Jayden and the look on his face." I smiled and shook my head I finally made it down to the second floor. I followed Omar's directions and made it to the second to last door. I was about to place my hand on the doorknob when I decided against it, I pulled my hand away and smirked as an idea came to mind. I concentrated on the temperature around the doorknob, I then felt the familiar feeling of the heat on my left hand and the coldness on my left hand. I snapped my fingers on my left hand and ice formed around the doorknob, now when Jayden tries to get out of the room the door won't open and if he pulls hard enough on the doorknob the doorknob out here will fall out making Jayden have no way of getting out. I smirked at my plan and gave a nod in approval. I then skipped away and trotted up the stairs to the third floor.
  19. I made it up the stairs to the third floor and walked over to the living room. Nobody was in here so they must be either in the other living room on the first floor, the kitchen, or their room. I laid down on the white couch and flipped through the channels on the large flatscreen. A few minutes later I heard multiple footsteps coming up the stairs, I looked over the couch to see Drake and Shane. "Hey guys." I said blankly and rested my head on one of the pillows. "Hey what's up_________." Shane said and sat down beside me. I shrugged and said nothing. Drake sat down on the recliner and bit his lip, Shane exhaled sharply and laid back. "Oh yeah what did you do to Jayden?" Drake asked and raised an eyebrow. I looked at him with question in my eyes. Drake just smirked. "I overhead you guys." He replied. I nodded and sat up. "Let's just say you'll find out soon enough." I said and smiled slyly. Just then I could hear the faint sound of yelling and banging on a door. "That must be him now." Shane said and laughed softly. I used my enhanced hearing and I was able to hear the sound on the doorknob hitting the ground, I smiled and started laughing. Drake and Shane smiled as they probably used their enhanced hearing as well. "My plan worked I froze the doorknob and if Jayden pulls hard enough on it the doorknob on the outside will unscrew and fall onto the floor, making it impossible for Jayden to come out." I explained to them. Drake's smile grew bigger and Shane was cracking up already because he was on the floor now. We stood there for who knows how long laughing until we heard a loud thud on the steps, we all looked to see that Omar had tripped on the top of the stairs and he was breathing rapidly. Omar stood up and brushed himself off. "Guys it's an emergency." He said and he wasn't playing around. Drake narrowed his eyes and stood up. "Omar what's going on?" Drake asked. Shane was on the floor still trying to stop laughing. Omar gulped and slowed down his breathing. "I just had a precognition, it's Luka he's on his way and he's coming for__________."

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