The Strict Quiz

Are YOU ready to take the hardest quiz ever made???!!! Well if you are ready go ahead and start! Get your brain all fired up with this quiz!!! GOOD LUCK!

Get ready for the challenge!! It is only a few clicks away! Get ready to have your brain on fire with all this thinking for this quiz!! GOOD LUCK!! P.S. Best wishes for really hard thinking!!

Created by: Emily Pawelek
  1. How many grades do you have to go to before collage?
  2. If you were born on Christmas, would that be your first Christmas or would the next Christmas be your first one?
  3. How many Youtube videos are there?
  4. Do I have an iPod?
  5. How old am I?
  6. Am I married?
  7. What is my cell number?
  8. Do I have any sibblings?
  9. Do I have any kids?
  10. How many questions are there not about my life?

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