The Most Interesting Quiz You Will Ever Take

You might think you know everything. You don't. Nobody in the world does. If you DID know everything, you will get ALL of the answers to this quiz right. And I know you won't

I've taken some of the most interesting facts in the world and I want to see if you know them. This is not a quiz of intelligence. It's just a fun quiz. ENJOY IT!!! NOTE: THIS QUIZ IS NOT FINISHED. THERE WILL BE WAY MORE QUESTIONS ADDED TO IT LATER ON.

Created by: Sam
  1. California has issued at least six drivers licenses to people with what famous name?
  2. What food is most craved by pregnant women?
  3. How long do most dreams last?
  4. How many pounds of chocolate are eaten by Americans every second?
  5. What is the only planet that rotates clockwise?
  6. How many people in the world have never made or received a phone call?
  7. What month has the most fatal car accidents?
  8. What fruit has the most protein?
  9. In what country are you legally allowed to marry a dog?
  10. What animal are you more likely to get attacked by?
  11. What month do most Americans lose their virginity?
  12. ALL polar bears are...
  13. How did Abe Lincoln's mother die?
  14. How many muscles are in the trunk of an elephant?

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