The Magic Within part 2

do you have the strenght to kill the beast i dont think so but i believe in you and i am also writing a book about it and i am only onto chapter 2 and plz give me ideas i need 5 name 2 girls and 3 boys

plz send me some ideas do you have the strenght to kill the beast i dont think so but i believe in you and i am also writing a book about it and i am only onto chapter 2 and plz give me ideas i need 5 name 2 girls and 3 boys

Created by: godofminecraft56
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you went to your friend's house to see him with a shotgun just standing and waiting for the beast when you walked into the house you found a map at your feet on the back it reads "Only the strongest will survive, we will meet again young Sam" so the beast knows your name "that son of a..." then your friend says "ϼϭЀϤЇϾЊϿϰ" and you started to float up in the air then you said "ⱣⱡⱥᶙᵿӨ҉Ѭ҈" and launched three fire balls at him you fell to the ground and burned your friend alive he smelled of a nice juicy crispy bacon, then you started to read the map... ... the map reads... the truth is true...
  2. "Well that's strange and why is my friend burned" so you don't know it yet but you have magic which you cannot control "I don't understand why is this happening to me and not to somebody else I just don't understand" so you went to your new best friend's house for answers, while I walked there you saw figures moving and one jumped in front of you and asked "are you human?" "Who else could I be a monster?!" you asked
  3. "maybe" "well I am a human" you said "take him" he said then 3 more figures appeared and took you to a secret base "sorry for that but I had to do it and my name is Alex" "well my name is Sam" you said "NOW WILL YOU TELL ME WHY DID YOU TOOK ME AWAY" you boomed " "well you see there is magic inside you I have been watching you for a while now" Alex said
  4. I have no magic in me I don't even know how to cast spells" you said "Sam..." Alex said "... although you don't know that but there is magic in you that's how you were able to run away from that beast and create a door in time and space" "well I don't care so I will be on my way now" "Sam you will die out there without proper training if you stay I will train you to defeat the beast or you go and die" "h-h-how did you found out about the beast I thought I was the only one who could see it" you said "I got the same eyes as you brother" Alex said
  5. "o-o-k-k I will stay but I need to find my girlfriend" you said "taking care of I got a search team looking for her she will be here soon in about a week that's good that means that I got more time to train you to control your magic" Alex said "so when do we start" you ask "as soon as you are ready for training" Alex said and put you into your room.
  6. CLIFFHANGER sorry but i got nothing left to write the next part will probably will be up in about a week or 2
  7. plz comment and rate plz i just going to die or stop if you don't comment and rate
  8. skip the next qusitons
  9. hhhais
  10. this is the last question do you like pizza or not?

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