The Love Story of Rosedawn! Part 2!

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Hi! This quiz is for she-cats only. Rosekit is now Rosepaw. Which means you are now an apprentice! Just so you know, I might only make until part 4 or part 5 so I don’t say I didn’t warn you!

In the 3rd quiz, is a new cat that is actually Deerpaw’s older sister and she is a ginger and white pelt with minty-green eyes. Although they look alike, the new love interest is less snappy than Deerpaw.

Created by: WarriorsLover66
  1. “Rosepaw! Dovepaw! Skypaw! Eveningpaw! Thistlepaw! Deerpaw!” You are finally an apprentice!
  2. “All the new apprentices,”Shinestar, your father says. “Skypaw will show you to the apprentice den, even though he is a new apprentice.”
  3. And before I forget, who is ____?
  4. Skypaw walks with you into the apprentice den. While he does, his pelt brushes yours. Thistlepaw, Deerpaw, and Eveningpaw all glare at him. You:
  5. You step inside the den and you choose a nest:
  6. And suddenly you hear a sound from outside. “WildClan has attacked us!”Vinestar yowls. You:
  7. If you chose to fight with ____, his or her pelt brushes your side. You think:
  8. If you decided to fight alone, a cat jumps onto you but you fight the cat off.
  9. And…
  10. Cliffhanger!
  11. By the way, who do you hate the most! They will be known as x———x from now on.
  12. By the way, I got the x———x idea from Pathbreeze. Thanks to her, Rainsong, and pigeon moth kitty for inspiring me to continue writing!

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