The "Fit" Quiz (take it to see who you are)

You could be a genius, but your in the wrong exam. Just Kidding! There is one question about that if you took the exam you will see it. If you didn't, you'll be sorry...

Your smart and fat and skinny at the same time...your stupid and ugly (kidding). This is pretty much the same question as the one above, so I should've copied and pasted.

Created by: Reynolds
  1. What is your favorite food?
  2. How often do you eat?
  3. What kind of food do you usually eat everyday?
  4. What do people usually call you?
  5. What is your idea of fun?
  6. (Random) Not part of the main subject...How smart are you?
  7. What is your favorite kind of house?
  8. FINAL QUESTION!!!!!!!!!! Are you fit...?? ...The world may never know...
  9. Oops, did I say this was the already over...
  10. DANG! How long is this exam??? Well, goodbye all!

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