The Doctor Who Quiz Are YOU a True Fan

the best doctor who general knowledge quiz see if you are a true fan or just a play along Congratulations on attempting this quiz and good luck if you don't get board of it but it is just to differ the fans from the losers.

Did you know in the transmission of "World War Three" there was a flashing light at the end of this episode signals this Bad Wolf in Morse Code Did you Know that although £5 tickets were available for the Doctor Who Prom, tickets were touted on eBay for £250?

Created by: Alec Whitworth of Doctor Who
(your link here more info)
  1. What number doctor was played by Christopher Eccelston?
  2. In the episode "Blink," how many DVDs did the Doctor leave messages on?
  3. Who claims to have scattered the words 'Bad Wolf' and proceeds to disintegrate the Daleks with ease?
  4. True or False: Christopher Eccleston, the Ninth Doctor, asked producer Russell T. Davies if he could audition for the part, not knowing that his name was on a shortlist for the role.
  5. Where was David Tennant, the Tenth Doctor, born?
  6. True or False: Freema Agyeman, who played Martha Jones in Series Three, plays a minor character in Army of Ghosts, in Series Two.
  7. Which Doctor Who script writer also had a role in front of the camera (as Prof. Lazarus, in series 3)?
  8. The actress who plays Martha's mother (Adjoa Andoh) also played which character, earlier in the series?
  9. What is the name of the department store where Rose works (and which the Doctor blows up)?
  10. What year did Pete Tyler die?
  11. LAST QUESTION What does acronym TARDIS stand for?

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Quiz topic: The Doctor Who Quiz am I a True Fan