The DanTDM Quiz

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Dan, DanTDM, The Diamond Minecart! One of the most Famous YouTuber in the whole wide world!!! Do you know him? Do you watch is Videos? YOU MUST!!! I suggest to watch his vids first before you take the test! No cheating & have fun! Don't use google to find the answers! ;)

Do you know DanTDM well? Take this Quiz to see you're knowledge about Dan The Diamond Minecart!!! Good luck And Have Fun!!! Let the fun... BEGIN!!! (Subscribe to his channels if you enjoyed this little quiz). :)

Created by: Charrish Jane Rosalejos
  1. What is the real name of Dan?
  2. If Dan has a wife, who is she?
  3. Where does Dan live?
  4. How many channels does Dan have?
  5. How many pets does he have in real life?
  6. What was his first Minecraft series?
  7. When did he get a Diamond Play Button?
  8. Does Dan have friends?
  9. How many subscribers does Dan have this 2016?
  10. When is his birthday?
  11. If Dan has a wife, when were they married?
  12. Did Dan go to New York?
  13. What is his Nationality?

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