the bunny quiz: should you get a bunny?

hello! think bunny and rabbits are cute? ever wonder should I get a bunny? with this quiz you will find out! your home might be a perfect home for a bunny!

do this quiz and you just might show your family that you can handle a pet bunny. they are not low maintenance pets though so beware! you just might not be ready though.

Created by: bunny whiz
  1. what is your age?
  2. gender?
  3. can bunnies get hurt by their urine?
  4. bunnies with pink eyes are affected by...
  5. is anyone in your family under 10 years old?
  6. what is your fav color?
  7. are you smart?
  8. is bunny-proofing necessary?
  9. you should or shouldn't have your bunny spayed or neutered
  10. Is gi stasis good or bad?

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