The best quiz ever

this quiz is awesome and this stupid quiz thing is making me right this so ya.I dont know what to put cuz its got to be 100 characters. LOL omg omg just trying to put 100 leters in

Do u no me because if u dont u won't do good on this quiz.I dont know what to put cuz its got to be 100 characters. LOLomg omg omg omg omg omg just trying to put 100 leters in

Created by: joemomma of joe momma
(your link here more info)
  1. What high school am i going to go to?
  2. What high school did Derek Jeter go to?
  3. what baseball team am i on?
  4. How old am i?
  5. What Portage School do i live behind?
  6. What lake do i live by
  7. What school do i go to now?
  8. Whos my favorite closer pitcher
  9. Whats my fav. baseball team
  10. Whos my fav. baseball player
  11. Whos my next door neibor?
  12. Whos my favorite basketball player
  13. Which blank is the right one?
  14. Whats my favorite basketball team?
  15. Whos my favorite NASCAR racer?
  16. Whats my fav. X box game
  17. What 3 systems do i have
  18. What is my fav type of sunflower seed?
  19. Who was my homeroom teacher this year
  20. What awards did i get this year in school

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