The best of the best Twilight quotes

Okay I don't know what quiz number this is for me, all I know is it's a lot! Okay, so anyway this is on quiz I know I'll get right unlike other Twilight quote quizzes I've played.

The best of the best Twilight quotes asks you how much you know about what each Twilight character says. It doesn't matter whether you get them wrong at least you know you tried hard!

Created by: Alice Cullen

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which character said 'Mind over matter'?
  2. Which character said 'Here comes the human'?
  3. Which character said 'Okay, where's your clutch?'?
  4. Which character said 'As soon as you put the dog out!'?
  5. Which character said 'I'm not going to kill you now, 'cause it would upset Bella'?
  6. Which character said 'Some vampires-and-werewolves-are-enemies nonsense'?
  7. Which character said 'I have not committed the crime you are here to punish me for'?
  8. Which character said 'She'll be unhappy if she hurts him'?
  9. Which quote is really what Renesmee said?
  10. How good is good is Twilight? WARNING: Now this'll throw you off if you don't like Twilight!
  11. Which character said 'We have a few advantages, dog'?
  12. Which character said 'Of all the rotten luck'?
  13. Which character said 'We can only die with you'?
  14. Which character said 'You broke my nose, idiot'?
  15. Which character said 'They say you can put a vampire flat on his back'?
  16. Which character said 'You look stunning, if I may be so bold, Mrs Cullen'?
  17. Which character said 'Are you game?'?
  18. Which character said 'You're all fools to think you can defy the Volturi'?
  19. Which character said 'I'm going to pretend I didn't see you behind the wheel, Jake'? (It's kind of obvious)
  20. Finish this sentence and tell me who it was said by. 'There are no ______ for those who brake _____' By ______

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