The Are-You-Gay Quiz

This is a completely 100% accurate quiz to see if you are gay. if you scored poorly, trust me, you're a fruit. if you scored high though, you're just fine.

screw it even if you got 100% you're gay HA tell you wat i'll giv u 1 last chance find the l in the middle of all the 1s n ur only partially gay. AH NVM I'M JUS GONNA LEAV U W/ THE FACT THAT UR GAY HAHA

Created by: Jon
  1. What is Your Favorite Food?
  2. What is Your Favorite School Subject?
  3. What is Your Favorite Color?
  4. What is Your Favorite Soda?
  5. What is Your Favorite Kind of Movie?
  6. What is Your Favorite TV Station?
  7. Your Parents Think You Are...
  8. You Have ___ Friends On Myspace.
  9. In Your Room You Have...
  10. Your Best Friend Is...
  11. I Have...
  12. The Game "World of Warcraft" is...

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