The 12 Days Of Christmas

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HARD VERSION. My true love gave many gifts to me this christmas... my favourite were the FIIIIIIVE GOOOOLD RIIIINGS! There were another eleven after that and even I'm struggling to remember all of them...

On the 12th day of chriiiistmas my true love gave to me! Think you know the song??? PROVE IT! Go find a calculator or challenge yourself and use your head! Have fun!

Created by: Kaya
  1. What was given on the 7th day?
  2. How many gold rings were there?
  3. How many birds are there in the song?
  4. How many individual dancing shoes are needed?
  5. Which of these are in the right order?
  6. How many wings are there in the song?!
  7. If each drummer ate 3 mince pies and there were 6 in a packet, how many packs would they need?
  8. If there were 32 cows, how many would each of the maids have to milk?
  9. How many ladies dancing are there?
  10. How many legs are there in the song???!!!

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