Teresa22, please read this.

Teresa22, this is for you. It's an apology to that damn "How Asian Are You?" quiz. I didn't even make that. My stepsister got on to my account while I was at my afterschool tennis practice and made it to piss me off. And believe me, she did.

Teresa22, this is for you. It's an apology to that f***ing "How Asian Are You?" quiz. I didn't even make that. My stepsister got on to my account while I was at my afterschool tennis practice and made it to piss me off. And believe me, she did. You're probably rolling your eyes and cussing me out right now for being such an a** and trying to apologize, and I get that, but please at least just read this.

Created by: Flight

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  1. Okay. If you're not Teresa22, please kindly leave. Thanks so much. This is for Teresa22 and Teresa22 ONLY.
  2. Teresa22, I made a thread in the Feedback and Updates forum for you with basically the same content. This is about... well... that asian quiz.
  3. You're probably calling me a b*tch and an a**hole right now, but please, just hear me out.
  4. The "How Asian Are You?" quiz was entirely my stepsister's doing. She logged on to my GTQ account while I was at my tennis practice and made it. She's been mad and frustrated about her parents' divorce, and after her dad married my mom (who, like me, is full asian), I think she got really angry. So that's most likely the reason why she made that extremely racist and stereotypical quiz full of s---. Ever since she saw me, she's hated me, and she's stolen my phone, blamed me for things I didn't do, and more. Thank you for calling her a b*tch and a dumb*** for me; if you hadn't (even though she didn't actually read it), I probably would have. Ever since she, her little brother, and their dad moved in with us, she's been getting on everyone's nerves and totally pissing me off, but I've never done anything to her because I'm just not the kind of person to be mean to anyone. I'm a flight-not-fight kind of person, hence my username. But after this, I'm going to knock some sense into her s----filled brain and tell her to piss off, stop being racist, and quit hurting others.
  5. So I guess what I'm trying to say is: I'm sorry. I've never been this sorry in my life, and I never will be. When I saw that quiz under my profile last night, I was like, "WHAT THE F*** IS THIS?!" And she said to me, "It's what I've always wanted to say to you the minute I saw you."
  6. My stepsister is only 12, but she's been through a lot, and her parents' divorce was probably the worst, so when her dad married my mom, she automatically made me her nemesis. It's even worse because before our parents got married, she was never the best academically, and her grades were usually pretty low; she's always had this weird sort of hatred for asians because they made her feel stupid, so now she's resorted to hurting me (and others like you). I've tried ignoring her, but this time, I've had it. I'm going to tell my mom exactly what she's been doing to me and kick her f***ing a** out of my house.
  7. This must sound incredibly cliche, but all of this is true. I'm not making any of this up to sugarcoat myself; if I ever hurt anyone, I immediately apologize and don't try to blame others, and I'm not about to stop doing that anytime soon.
  8. It's actually kind of pathetic and sad that my stepsister would go to such extremes to hurt me; she even tried writing like me in that stupid quiz (which, by the way, I've suspended and will never activate again as long as I live). She usually writes like, "lol! tht must have been awful! u 2 r such bad ppl" or something like that, and has lots of spelling errors. If I had taken that thrice-be-damned quiz myself, I'd have reacted in the exact same way.
  9. I understand if you're still mad at me; you have every right, and I don't blame you. At all. But please, I hope you'll at least just consider my words.
  10. I quoted the same thing in my thread, but I'll quote it again; this is from a book I read a while ago, so I don't remember the exact wording or even what book it is, but it's a conversation between a king and a girl who is asking something of him: "(King)'You are not worthy to stand before me and speak to me like this.' (Girl) 'Then I shall kneel before you.'" And, like I said in the thread, "And kneel I shall, Teresa22, if it means you will forgive me."

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