Taylor Lautner Quiz

hey come on taylor fans you know how this goes i love taylor he is fit come on take the test and find out wether your the next taylor lautner fan and get working on this quiz

are you in need of less bordem then take this quiz and i garentee that you can be a taylor know it all in just a few minuets just get to work and take this test to see how bad or good you are

Created by: twilightfan1
  1. when is taylor lautners birthday
  2. whats taylor lautners dogs name
  3. what twilight charater is he
  4. whats his fave food
  5. where was he born
  6. how hot is he on a scale of 1 to 10
  7. what was his 1st movie
  8. is he a singer
  9. Name one music video he was in
  10. whats his lil sisters name
  11. name one of his co stars
  12. how much do you love him (counts for 50% of the score )

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